Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I was so relieved to be home again. Being on vacation, I mean research mission was nice and all but there just was no other place like home. Here you couldn't be judged for doing absolutely nothing all day because it was your home and you are allowed to do what you want in your home. The only annoying thing was that I had to spent the night on the couch. My back was so going to kill me.

I made sure to water all of my houseplants and give them some fertilizer to help them cope with the stress of not receiving any nutrients and water for a couple of days before I skipped outside to have a look at my tentacle plant. They seemed to be doing just fine and continued growing to a point they could take down an entire cow if that were a thing on this island. Even the runt gained some weight.

I went back inside to unpack my things and maybe do some laundry only to find Alexios already doing it. I watched him, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom until he turned around, cocking his head at me before coming over and grabbing me by the hips to pull me close to him. I willingly followed and put my arms around his neck.

"You are kind of like the perfect house wife, always doing chores." I mocked.

"That's sexist." He snorted.

"Fair enough." I smirked, resting my hands on his chest.

I could feel his heart beat under my palm steadily like a constant reminder someone was going to come and take that away from me again. I didn't want to think about this but as soon as my brain had a second of free time, it went back to all the horrible things that could potentially happen. I could feel him shift underneath my hands and as I looked up at his face I saw the concern on his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes. I was just thinking about something." I managed to somewhat convincingly pretend.

He studied my face for a while longer while I tried my best to keep a blank face until he gave up. He seemed to have realized I wasn't willing to talk about it now, not that I ever was ready to talk about it. He was going to run out of patience soon. I figured he was going to go back to doing the laundry but instead his face lit up and he looked like an overly excited puppy.

"We could go to the movies later. I heard a new cinema opened up in Hades' sphere. Do you want to try that out?" He suggested, bouncing up and down a little. "They are supposedly running an Alien marathon this evening."

"Alien as in movies with aliens or alien as in Alien, the best movies of all time." I asked because I really wanted to see Ripley going up against some murderous beasts again.

"As in allegedly the best movie of all time." He smirked.

I scoffed. First of all, there was no better series than Alien Quadrilogy. Second of all, the movies that were released later sucked major ass but if I ignore their existence and don't accept them into my world view they can't be used as a counter argument. Genius. Just adjust reality to your own desires and be happy for the rest of your self-deceiving life.

"We are going to see them and you are going to like them." I announced. "If not I might just have to break up with you because that's a capital crime in my book and that's the only one that counts in this sphere and I don't do criminals."

He gave me an amused smirk and squeezed my hips, sending little sparks through my body. I used my arms to pull his face closer to mine and smacked our lips together. I tried to use the kiss to conquer my fear of losing him but it didn't work which frustrated me and instead I got more aggressive, nibbling on his lower lip. He moaned into the kiss, sending the vibrations down my throat.

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