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[A/N: If you've read the first version or are re-reading this one, please try not to make spoilers in the comments (or advise it with rr before)

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[A/N: If you've read the first version or are re-reading this one, please try not to make spoilers in the comments (or advise it with rr before). Thanks for choosing this book !]

Chapter dedicated to _jacalina_, who's made this beautiful banner ^^ and has always been so supportive <333  Make sure to check her works!


Song: High School Never Ends - Bowling For Soup


There are times in your life where you're allowed to be a little over dramatic. Or so I told myself. And now I was buzzing in so much anger and frustration I was convinced I wasn't being childish but fair. In my own way.

The clicking sound of my nails against the marble counter matched the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall, mocking me with every passing second. And it was unnerving. Almost as much as my father casual sipping on his coffee as he moved around the open kitchen getting ready to leave. Or my brother Julian's aphatetic munching of his cereals with one earpiece on and the phone playing something before him.

I sat on one of the stools there, back stiff and ready for the past ten minutes, waiting for him to acknowledge my silent protest.

My father finally allowed his eyes to wander towards me, taking in the untouched apple on my plate. His brows rose. "Aren't you eating anything?"

"Not hungry."

Him and Julian shared a look. My brother rolled his eyes and focused back on whatever he was seeing on the phone, completely tuning me off. Dad sighed, straightening his pose and rolling his shoulder in exhaustion as he prepared himself to deal with me. It almost looked like he would prefer operating one of his stressful surgical interventions.

"Is this about Adam driving you?" he guessed and I looked away, my jaw clenching. He hummed, looking down at his mug and gently placing it on the counter. "He offered, honey. It was nice of him and convenient for us. What's wrong with that?"

"Apart from everything?"

Like I'd said, there were times when you were allowed to be over dramatic. When your father invites the guy that cheated on you to be the designed chauffeur you kind of are allowed to be. That was before my parents divorced and Jules and I moved away with Mom, over two years ago, but still. It had been a betrayal on his part to just invite him.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now