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Song: Try - Simle Plan

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Song: Try - Simle Plan


"Leave her alone." the words rolled out Troy's mouth before I could even realize how I really felt about seeing Hayden again. 

Mad, worried, murderously... and maybe a little scared too, considering everything I been filled with -but I'd never admit that out loud. 

My blood was still boiling every time I thought of how he'd treated Henry, but now looking at him it was easy to see that there was something harsher in his halo than this morning. Something darker.

He wordlessly patted the shoulder of the man beside him. A man I only now was noticing. He was in baggy dark clothes, a beanie tucked to almost his eyes and apathy translucent in hi face. He stuffed his closed fist in the pocket of his pullover and nodded at Hayden, marching away and leaving him there, leaning against the side of the building. Completely adding to the theories I recently just discharged about him, because that looked oddly close to dealing to me.

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask and instantly felt the weight of Troy's gaze on the side of my face -silently urging me to let it go. And maybe I should.

Hayden shrugged his shoulders, playing unbothered, but I could tell he wasn't happy about my prying. "Same as anyone else here."

"Grabbing something to eat?"

"Obviously." was his sly response and my eyes narrowed, overwhelmed by his blatant lie.

"Obviously not." my gaze returned to where the other guy had disappeared. "Are the rumors true?"

"Are the ones about you?"

"What about me?"

He smirked, having succeeded in pushing my buttons. Troy's arm curled on my waist urging me to move again.

"Ari, don't bother. Let's go."

"Oh, don't you wanna know what your friends are saying behind your back?" fired Hayden again, taking great malicious joy in finding my limits and exploit them.

He was clearly bluffing. I knew there were rumors about me, but nothing important nor too extreme. And certainly not something my friends would have spread. He was just poking seeing if he could get a reaction out of me.

Then why did I feel this pinch in the pit of my stomach?

"Save your breath, Walker." Troy shook his head, completely unbothered by his words and that ground me enough to ban any speck of possible doubt. "We're just on our way and we haven't seen anything."

"I know you haven't, because there is nothing to see."

"Right." I mumbled and those smoldering eyed pierced through mine once more. There was danger attached to his very breath in a way I hadn't sensed earlier in Milton High.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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