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The fresh scent of the burning city, the purple flames that devoured the buildings and the people who inhabited it.
The heroes trying their best to save everything, everyone.

Midoriya, the worst villain to have ever been conjured, sits on the highest building, laughing as the city of heroes crumble to the ground.The home of the number one hero, the city where he was popularized;burning.to.a.crisp.

It was funny for the villain, the one who started everything, the one who has escaped the grasps of the police officers and heroes everyday.

He was impossible.Almost invincible, in fact.

He steps on the rails of the building he stands on, spreading his arms and laughing like some kind of maniac.He was insane but clever, a villain yet he was powerful.

Every hero feared him, ranging from the heartless hero Endeavor, to the strongest:Allmight.

Though the level of fear differed to each hero.Some didn't even want to mention his name in fear of being killed.

Rumors spread across the city as one boy, one teenager, struck fear into the hearts of many:strong or weak, still feeble to his presence.

Many times has he publicly announced something, many times has he gathered more and more people to the side of villains.

He has no morals, he has nothing to fear;nothing to stand in his way.Nothing that could stop him.

How horrible, a young boy, a prodigy among villains, has walked down the wrong path..Or is the villain path so wrong?

Is Izuku Midoriya actually a bad person?Yes, of course he is..But his reasoning for becoming a villain is sensible.

"This world is so unfair.Of course, everybody knows this.This world can never be fair, no matter what.The title 'hero' or 'villain' are just titles.Villains are suspected to be the bad guys of the story, the people who should be stopped.Heroes, the good guys, are the ones expected to stop the villains.But the intention out writes the title, the actions that are taken by the 'hero' can be so much more worse than a villains.Titles to humanity are important;just like 'king' or 'queen'.Are we the bad guys when the world is taken from our point of view?Are we the bad people?Oh...I can assure you..That there are much much worse heroes..Heroes that are even more worse than evil ol' me."
-Izuku Midoriya

This one speech.This one boy had spoken, has changed the mindsets of so many people.

Unfairness was his motto, villainous acts is what he does.

"He's a horrible person!Scum!Trash!Kill him and end his rein!"
Many people chant.

"He's right!The world is unfair!Heroes are worse than villains, we have freedom!"
Others chant.

2 sides separated by a boy who always wanted to be a hero.

Ironic, isn't it?The worse villain ever always wanted to be a hero as a child.
Foolish Foolish boy.His dream broken and his heart crumbled.

If you told the younger version of him that he would be a villain, the worst one ever, he wouldn't believe it.He would call you a liar.

Now, he would believe you.

"Man, isn't this scent wonderful!"Midoriya exclaimed, laughing.

He looks down at the city, his face full of disgust whenever he spots a hero, "Have fun~"

He turns back, his coat flying into the wind as he straightens his tux.

"I'll never let anybody know about my past, after I worked so hard to bury everything into the dirt."

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