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Aniya's POV

I couldn't wait to see my sister. She should be here in a couple hours. I haven't talked to or seen Jo since the other day and I'm glad, cause I would literally try and kill that nigga. I tried to catch up on some homework and clean up a little before she got here. I got a text seconds later.

3:32pm- From Sissy👯🤞🏻:
Hey baby cakes, just got on the plane should be there around 630❤️

I sent a quick reply, and got up to finish cleaning, as soon as I stood up I felt dizzy and lightheaded asf. I felt myself wanting to throw up, I ran to the bathroom and puked everywhere. I rinsed my mouth and stared into the mirror, I know this feeling from before and I didn't like where this is going.

I rummaged around in my bag, pulling out a pregnancy test. I was hesitant at first but I needed to take it. I sat down on the toilet, putting the test under me. I wiped, washed my hands and placed the test on the sink, waiting for the results.

I paced back and forth, scared as shit. I didn't want to look at it... I picked up the test from the sink and nearly lost my shit. I was fucking pregnant. I didn't know whether to scream, cry or flip the fuck out.

Mariana's POV

Today's the day I visit my sister and Jo. I got my shit together and headed to the airport. I pulled up, went through customs, and was able to board the plane right away. I shot my sister and Jo'Siah a text, letting them know I'd be on my way soon.

I couldn't wait to see my baby after almost 2 months and my sister after 3 almost 4 years. I didn't know what to expect with my sister tho, so I still had to keep my guard up.

I closed my eyes and took a nap, before I knew it I landed in Cali. I got off the plane, grabbed my luggage and tried to find a quick Uber to get me there. I had to wait about half an hour for them to get here but it was worth the wait. We drove literally for 5 minutes before we pulled up to the school. For some reason I was nervous asf, like this was my first time ever seeing either of them. I walked in, checked in with the receptionist and headed up stairs to Jo'Siahs room.

Jo'Siah's POV

I ain't seen Niya since the other day when that shit went down, I ain't wanna see her ass either, fuck her. Whatever we had was over with. I laid in my bed with my headphones in, searching online for some clothes and shit for my baby. While looking, I got a text from Mari saying she was on her way up. Holy shit she was here, I ain't even figure out how to tell her all the shit that went down. A nigga nervous asf. As soon as I was about to reply there was a knock at my door.

I got up and looked through the peep hole, it was my baby! I swung the door open so fast!

"Babyyyyy" Mari jumped into my arms, dropping everything in hers. I held on to that girl like I was never gonna hug on her again, after the shit I tell her, I may not. I grabbed her bags while still holding on to her, closing the door behind me. I set her down on the bed and instantly started kissing on her and her belly.

"Omg baby, you're showing!" I low-key wanted to cry, can't believe she had my baby in there.

"That reminds me honey, I have a surprise for you!" She reached in a lunch bag and pulled out a cupcake, my favorite. I went to bite into it, but she smacked my hand. "Wait baby, this is a special cupcake, here look at these first" she handed me some sonogram pictures of the baby, I cried. "Omg it's so adorable Mari!" I kissed her all over her face, lips and cheeks.

"Now baby, when you bite into that cupcake, it will reveal the gender of our baby, you ready?" "Yeah baby I'm ready" I bit the cupcake fast asf, spilling blue frosting out if it. I jumped up and down like a little ass kid! I tackled her on the bed, hugging and holding her.

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