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*A week and a half later*

Mariana's POV

I'm so happy me and my baby have improved! My blood level is where it needs to be and I've become stronger, they said we should be able to be discharged within a couple of days. The baby is now able to breathe on his own and has gained wait from me being able to breast feed, we're doing great!

Ciara and Calvin haven't left my side since all this happened, I couldn't be more grateful for them. There like my family now, which is crazy honestly cause I've only known them for about 3, maybe 4 months now. But they're all I got. Jo'Siah hasn't been here as far as I know, and he hasn't tried to call any of us so whatever, I'm over it I have 2 amazing people here for me and that's all I need.

Calvin must've notice me in deep thought.

"What's the matter Mar Mar?"

"Nothing, just thinking about how grateful I am for you two" him and Ciara looked at each other, smiling.

"You're our family now, we ain't going anywhere" they said together.

I smiled and opened my arms for them to give me a hug, they got up out there chairs and climbed on the bed.

"I love you guys!" I kissed Ciara's cheek and turned towards Calvin, he licked his lips and I looked down at them. We leaned in towards each other and kissed, passionately. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and my heart started racing, he pulled back and we smiled at each other.

"Mari I've been meaning to ask you something since the day we went out that night?"

"What is it Caly?"

"Well I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be-" he was cut off when Jo'Siah busted in the room.

"Jo'Siah?" My eyes got wide.

Calvin's face went from happy to "this nigga really tried it" real quick.

He quickly got out the bed and walked over to Jo'Siah.

"You gotta a lot of fucking nerve coming here after what the fuck you said"

"Bro get out my face, I'm here for my girl" he slurred his words.

"Jo'Siah Lamont are you fucking drunk?" I couldn't believe he would come in here like this.

He ran up to my bed. "Nah baby, but I'm here for you, I miss you baby" he tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away.

"You here for me? Where the fuck you was at when I was going through all this shit, giving birth to our son?" My eyes filled with tears.

"Well according to him, that's not even his kid" Calvin chimed in.

I looked at Jo with the most evil death stare ever.


Calvin's POV

"Come on bro, tell her" I spat at Jo.

"TELL ME WHAT?" Mari yelled

I spoke, cause of course Jo was being a pussy.

"The day you asked where Jo was, Ciara lied to you and told you that he left and was coming back, truth is this nigga been here for you a total of five minutes since you got in here. I went to look for him the other day and I found him at Ciara house with some random bitch on top of him, when I asked him why he ain't been here to see you, he said it's cause the baby ain't his, that it's the nigga who been raping you baby"

Mari instantly broke down, she looked at Jo and lost it.


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