5. The Race Track Pt. 2

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The four friends huddle together and talk about work and, mostly, how excited they are and what they're going to ask their NASCAR crush. Taehyung talks in the conversation but isn't fully a part of it because it's a deeper level of fangirl that he can't seem to reach or understand. They continue on for twenty more minutes as the rest of the people start trickling in. At this point, everyone has stopped turning to look at the door when it opens.

A tall man walks in wearing a black leather racing jacket with the words 'Firefox sp' written across the front in white. Down the red forearms also in white is the word 'Firefox' again. The black leather pants are red down the outer thighs and the white word appear yet again. To top the whole outfit off, Bloom is wearing black sneakers with white soles. Bloom steps into the room with an air of confidence, borderline arrogance. No one sees him at first except Taehyung who is struck with awe at his unique beauty. Running a hand through his reddish brown hair, the winner of the race clears his throat. Catching sight of the easter egg man, he has time to smirk before the women turn and swarm him like flies to honey. Taehyung finds himself taking a step forward, almost falling towards the man who radiates positivity.

Katie and Ashley squeal as the push past Taehyung to get closer to their idol. Molly shakes his head disbelievingly as Taehyung floats after them. He seemingly glides between the women packed closer than sardines in a tin can and Bloom pushes past them completely disregarding their wanton affection as if pulled towards the pastel colors.

"Hi," the two men say breathlessly, Bloom from pushing through everyone and the race. Taehyung tries catching his breath but it seems it has been stolen from him. Taehyung's cheeks tinge a pastel pink to rival his blazer. In response, Bloom takes a step closer into Taehyung's personal space and lowers his voice, "What's your name? My real name is Jung Hoseok but that'll be our little secret." With a wink Hoseok takes a step back and tilts his head asking for an answer.

"T-Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

Inclining his head to the bright colors, Hoseok's voice sounds bored but his eyes reveal his curiosity, "What's with the pastels?"

Taehyung looks down at his outfit for the first time that day and looks a little surprised, "I, um." Taehyung freezes for a second trying to find a reason. He finds his feet again, as well as his breath, and smiles smuggly, "I figured, as it was spring and all, I'd go for an Easter look. I mean pastels are always in season."

Hoseok laughs at the little shrug and has to find his voice this time, "If you have pastels in your wardrobe so nonchalantly, I'm curious to know what else is in there."

Taehyung opens his mouth to respond but a girl pushes in front of Taehyung and completely disregards Hoseok's personal space. As she puts her hands all over him, Hoseok calmly holds her wrists and steps back. A false smile springs onto his face and he starts talking like a proper gentleman with nothing but respect for the girl clearly just trying to get in his pants. As Taehyung takes a step back to give everyone else room, he leans on the wall ever so slightly as his irratic heartbeat makes his knees feel weak.

Taehyung watches from the wall as Hoseok greets and talks to the girls fawning over him, even Molly is with the crowd. Just as Taehyung's heartbeat steadies and his breath evens out, Hoseok looks up and catches his eyes giving him a smirk and Taehyung is a mess once again.

After what feels like forever of feigning interest, Hoseok smiles at the girls one last time before saying the time was up. Before the girls turn and see Taehyung, Hoseok gestures with his eyes for him to walk out. Taehyung slips through the door as silent as a mouse and Hoseok gives the girls one last charming smile before walking out the same door. The girls' whines of disapproval are cut off abruptly as the door clicks shut behind him.

Looking up and down the empty halls, Hoseok's heart falls in his chest just a little but, rewinding to the very short conversation with the pastel man, he smiles at his feet as they lead him to the right and down the hall. Past the first side hallway with much less light, he sees a slender hand dart out and pull him into the dimmer hallway. Before he can react, he catches sight of the familiar pastel yellow bowtie.

Taehyung smiles shyly at his mint green shoes, "Sorry I didn't know if you were being tailed by your fangirls or anything..."

Hoseok laughs mirthfully, "It's okay. I'm glad you understood me."

They stand there awkwardly for several minutes not sure what to say. As Hoseok initiated the secret meeting, he clears his throat, "So umm... Uh. Yeah..."

Taehyung throws his head back laughing at their own awkwardness. Taking charge, he nods down the hall. As they fall into perfect step with each other, Taehyung's deep voice reverberates off the walls, "You were asking about my clothes. I have many different colors and shades. I really like the suit shorts so most of my nicer clothes are that but I have a few full suits of equally bright colors." Taehyung pauses to laugh at himself and Hoseok takes this time to observe Taehyung from the corner of his eye. Hoseok stays silent as he waits for Taehyung to stop laughing and continue. Sobering up, Taehyung shortly contiues on, his voice low but high in energy, "I usually wear suits because it's always good to look nice-"

Hoseok can't help but interrupt, "And yet you don't brush your hair?" Hoseok ruffles the already messy caramel colored hair and Taehyung blushes crimson.

Stuttering, Taehyung tries to rectify the situation, "I just- Well- I can have a bad hair day!"

Hoseok thinks his childish behaviour is rather adorable and doesn't hesitate to say as much.

Taehyung's ears and neck darken as his flush spreads. He sputters for a few minutes and trips on air. Hoseok just watches him a glazed smile on his face. By the time Taehyung's face manages to cool, Hoseok's smile is ready to split his face. The hallway ends and ushers them out into the parking lot. Catching sight of his friends, Taehyung turns back to Hoseok and smiles apologetically, "My friends are probably wondering where I've wandered off to this time. So I have to go..."

Hoseok reaches out to grab the other's wrist, "Wait. Let's exchange numbers so we can talk about your wardrobe more." Hoseok does genuinely want to know more about the strange man's fashion style but he really just wants an excuse to get his number.

Taehyung pulls his hand away gently to grab his phone. "I'm expecting some disclosure on your clothes as well then," he replies with a giggle. Swapping phones, they type their numbers in.

Hoseok types as slowly as he can trying to savour the moment as much as possible. Reluctantly hitting save, Hoseok hands back the phone with a frown touching the corners of his lips. Looking from Taehyung's outstretched hand to his pink lips and ending on his eyes, he can't help but smile, "Your grin is so doofy!"

Chuckling, Taehyung pushes his new friend's shoulder, "Next time we hang out I want to see you in something cuter." Without waiting for a response, he turns and jogs up to his group of friends waving his hands and screaming like a maniac.

Hoseok watches with a pleased look before heading back down the hallway to the changing room.

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