The Past

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Walking into the now empty changing room Hoseok starts stripping down to his underwear. Standing in his lemon yellow boxer briefs, Jeff comes from the showers fully clothed. In a plain white t-shirt and light blue jeans, his six foot seven rapier thin frame blocks out the light causing Hoseok to be momentarily blinded. As his eyes adjust, Jeff comes closer and closer. Within no time, Hoseok's personal space has been invaded and anger radiates off Jeff and hits Hoseok in waves.

"You cheat," Jeff's voice growls.

Hoseok turns back to his locker and reaches in to grab his clothes, feeling beyond uncomfortable with the situation. His voice is even to not betray the tinge of fear, "You know I don't. I just have better mechanics."

Jeff doesn't take well to this statement and smashes his fist into the metal locker door right by Hoseok's head. His face red with rage and his bushy eyebrows scrunch together to meet in a 'V' shape.

Jumping in surprise, Hoseok has no choice but to turn to the towering man, excitement starting to build inside his chest. Putting a lid on his soaring energy for the moment, Hoseok cools his features, "I'd suggest you not do this. It won't turn out well for either of us but you especially."

Jeff's fist moves from the locker door to Hoseok's high cheek bones in response. Hoseok's head moves back only a little as the punch doesn't have enough power to cause much damage. Hoseok's left hand hovers over the already swelling cheek before his heart rate picks up and adrenaline kicks in. Before either of them can process the situation, Hoseok has landed five punches and a firm kick to Jeff's stomach.

Hoseok stands heaving over the reeling Jeff. Both men quickly regain their breath and Hoseok tilts his head up to glare down a Jeff who shuffles out of the room refusing to look up. Once alone again, Hoseok sags into the locker and sighs quietly to himself before righting himself. Pulling out his duffle bag, he ruffles through his clothes and pulls out dark blue ripped jeans, a black long sleeved button up with pink flowers, and a lemon yellow jumper with Bugs Bunny on it. Changing into the clothes, Hoseok packs up his bag and heads back out to the parking lot.

He walks through the parking lot and down the street towards the bus stop. A block away, he sees the city bus starting to pull away from the curb. Hoseok starts running and waving frantically after the bus. His duffle bag slaps the backs of his thighs and slows him down just enough that the bus pulls away from the curb when Hoseok is only twenty paces from the covered bench. Slowing down in defeat, Hoseok walks the last few feet and flops down on the bench with a sigh. The sun beats down on him and the cover doesn't fully keep the sun off him.

His jean covered legs sit in full view of the sun causing his overall body temperature to raise several degrees. Sweat starts forming on his forehead and neck. Just as the beads start to fall and Hoseok's desperation raises to a whole new level, another bus pulls in. Jumping up, relief flooding his features, Hoseok practically sprints onto the bus. Only a little cooler than the outside air, the lack of sun and slight movement of the stale musty air makes the usually hellish ride heaven in comparison.

Buckling down for the long bus ride, he pulls out his phone and opens Safari. The last open tab is for The Last Resort in Nepal. It's one of the click ads he hadn't cleared yet, but something catches his eye, bungy jumping. The  picture is a slightly blurry photo from what appears to be a camera attached to the person jumping. The lack a sight and dizzying height pulls Hoseok right back into his first time bungy jumping.

Ten year old Hoseok stands on the edge of the platform at least 200 feet above the fair. Looking out over the colorful rides spinning around below him, he feels something growing in the pit of his stomach. Before he can even comprehend this feeling's existance, his friend yells at him calling him a chicken.

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