Behaving badly 28

714 12 3

I saw Roxy's car and got in it.

"Hey." I said buckling the seatbelt 

"Hi." She said pulling into the street

"I have a confession to make." She said

"What?" I asked

"The fight club doesn't start until 11:30 so I wanted you to come to a party with me." She said

"It's ok, I need a party right now anyway." I said

It took us like 20 minutes for us to get to the party. When we finally did, there were so many people, and a huge house.

"Wow." I said looking the house up and down

"Let's get our party on!" Roxy yelled

We ran inside and had the night of our lives, we danced, we sang, played suck and blow, we even had a little bit to drink, and possibly pot brownies.

"Chug, chug, chug!" The crowd was yelling

We were drinking the weirdest concoction ever, Henny mixed with Vodka, it was nasty but it was worth it. We were  for a good 30 minutes.

"Hey Lia, it's time to go." Roxy yelled

"Aww, I don't wanna go I wanna sit here and hang out with chris." I said, I'm pretty sure I was drunk

"Come on, Li, you have a boyfriend, Grayson." She said pulling me by the wrist

"Oh yeah, bye Chris." I slurred

He just waved, I stumbled down the steps, and into Roxy's car.

"Woah, that was fun" I said

"Well you're going to have even more fun." She said

We got there in like 30 minutes. There was a bouncer there, and he stood in an ally.

"Hey Roxy." He said letting us in

When we walked down it was a bunch of people and they were all surrounding a ring that two dudes were in. This thing is brutal, but I wanted to get in that ring, and I was going to get in that ring. 

"This is awesome." I said

"Right, I go down here almost every night." She said

We got a spot that was right in front of the ring. The dudes were going at it, the one with the beard got punched so hard he fell and was unconscious, it was so cool!

"And that ladies and Gentlemen was the first match of the night." The announcer yelled into the microphone    

"Now who's next?" He screamed

I shot my hand up so high, and was yelling out me, me ooh, pick me. He then pointed at me, and another girl, she had tattos, and percings. We both stepped into the ring. I just thought about everything they said and what happened and before I knew it I punched her

"Heo are they to tell me I can't go to Grayson's house." I said hitting her

She struck back with an uppercut. I stumbled back. I took my bear hands and slammed her, to the point where I was on top of her. But then she rolled over and started punching me.

"You got it Lia!" I heard Roxy yell

I slapped her right across the face, she looked shocked, so I just laughed, I took that opportunity to push her off, I punched her again, then took my knee and shoved it right in her intestines. 

"I can go out if I want." I said punching her

"I can make my own choices." I said slapping her

"And how dare she go out with Dylan." I said kicking her

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