Fire and Ice

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::::::: Chapter 3:::::::

"Fire and Ice"

"I'm dying to catch my breath

Oh why don't I ever learn?

I've lost all my trust,

though I've surely tried to turn it around

Can you still see the heart of me?

All my agony fades away

when you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down for all I need

Make my heart a better place

Give me something I can believe" ------- Within temptation (All i need)

“You --- you are the asshole!!!!” I spat in his face.

“May I have your order?” He asked disinterestedly.

Did he really did not realize who I was? The poor innocent he had decided to take his anger out.

“Don’t act all naïve and innocent!”

“Miss, do you want to order or not?”

“Yes I want to order an apology.” I said heatedly wanting to smash his silly nose.

“Sorry, that is not on the menu.” He answered turning to walk away.

“Hi! Don’t walk away!” a few heads turned at my raised voice. He spun around to face me heatedly.

“What is your problem lady?” he asked angrily.

“My problem? You pushed me down in the graveyard last night for no reason. You cut my arm open in two!”

His eyes widened in realization for a second before his lips turned into a sneer. “Don’t worry the bandages make you look better, on an otherwise pathetic looking person.”

My jaw dropped on his comment, the nerve of him did he have any clue who he was talking too.

“You wretched slime ball!” I could feel my whole face heating up.

“Echo, is something wrong?”

I spun around to face Tyson, confusion etched on his face eyebrows raised.

“He is -----

“Who babe?” my heart skipped a beat when I turned around to find the guy was no longer here. What had just happened? Had my imagination gone into overdrive? The boy was nowhere to be seen.

I took a deep breath, “Nothing, come sit let’s eat. I’m starving!”

My stomach growled in union. Tyson smiled at the noise. “I’ll get the food.” He said walking towards counter.

I settled back into my seat. Where had that douche bag gone? I stared at Tyson’s back as he placed our orders. A feeling of warmth and security spread through me. I had known Ty since forever, we were inseparable.

At least he wasn’t going to leave me like everyone else.

I had meet Ty, when his parents had come over to our house for dinner. I could still picture this small, shy, brown haired kid talking to me in the living room. Those had been happy times, life didn’t remain the same but I was glad that we did.

“Here you go Echo, extra large chocolate milkshake and a double cheese burger. Now eat up, you look starved. Jo-Jo is going to kill me when she gets back”

“I am perfectly fine; don’t be jealous because you are fat!”

“Echo you are out of your mind, this is pure muscle. Not an inch of fat.”

I pulled my tongue out at him before taking a large bite out of my burger. Tyson and Jo-Jo were the only ones who called me that, ever since they had found out that my middle name was something as foolish as ‘Echo’ they stuck to it.

 No-body else knew about it and I preferred it that way.

I still cringed when they called me Echo too loud in public.

“No I am serious babe, you look terrible.”

“Jeez, thanks. Great way to compliment a girl.” I said sarcastically.

“When was the last time you got sleep? You’ll start looking like a zombie.”

“I got some last night.” I told him guiltily. “I know it not right but I can’t help it. It’s not easy Ty.”

Suddenly strong arms were wrapped around me. “It’s gonna be okay Echo. It’s gonna be okay.”

I nodded my head, afraid that if I’ll speak I would start crying. I didn’t want to seem weak.

“You know you can come and stay at my house for a couple of days, mum would love to have you. You know how she considers you her daughter.” He said lost deep in his thoughts.

“It’s okay Ty, I’m not gonna break you know,” I said a ghost of a smile on my face.

“No I am serious. We could have so much fun. And that reminds me, mom has invited you over to our house for the barbeque. She said she would kill me if I didn’t turn up with you.”

“Well I wouldn’t miss your father’s delicious steak for anything.”

“Good, now finish up the food so we can do something fun before turning up at my house.”

“Well let’s head out now, what are we waiting for?” I said picking up my milkshake. “Let’s hang out in the mall.”

Ty nodded before picking his food up and heading towards the door.

I turned around unconsciously to look around the place one more.

My mysterious boy was nowhere to be seen.      


Hi, so here's the next chapter. hope you all like it.

thank you to every one whose read it.

the cover is by "Starry_Serenade"

You And Me, Two Messed Up FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now