City of Gold

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Zeus was still as he laid in the blazing sun, until the hovercraft showed up. Two figures stepped down from the craft, they were a pare of male Fel Jackals and they seemed to be guards of some kind. There black armor shined In the mid day sun. They yanked Athena up by the arms and stood her up, they patted her down and started to talk. "I saw two figures when we were riding over here, now would you be so kind as to show me where he is." Athena gave some resistance. "I don't know what your talking about you inbreed Fel." Athena said in anger. One of the guards put his hand around her mouth and kept it closed, while his other hand reached down towards her legs. "Well there's other ways to get you submissive Lupus's to talk." Zeus poked his head out a little as to see why she went quit, and before he saw the whole thing something in his body was tugging at him to get up. His markings started to light up brighter and brighter, and in a flash he jumped up. The two guards let Athena go and reached for there weapons. And in what seemed to be slow motion, the cloak which Zeus has worn flew off and the markings his body mystically formed some armor that engulfed all But his head. And out of his right arm formed an Axe with a mixture of both Nordic and Greek symbols. His body when about 20 feet into the air before smacking back down onto the sand. The blade of the axe broke into the sand with such intensity, the shock wave pushed the guards down. While on one knee and a fist in the sound Zeus looked up and said in a new voice with glowing red eyes. "Looking for me lizards." Angered by this remark the Fel guards charged him with their spears, Zeus also charged them with even greater speed and in one slice of his axe he cut both of them precisely mid center. The guards two half's fell to the ground. And when Zeus landed the swift move, he fell over and groaned in pain. The armor surrounding his body metallically liquified back into the markings of his skin. And he looked at the axe before it faded back into him, the symbols on the side he could now understand them. "Storm Breaker." He read to himself. Athena ran to him and got down to his level, "how did you do that." Athena said while still catching her breathe. When Zeus finally came to he looked at her with a worried face. " I don't know." "Well we can't stay hear, here stand up we need to get moving." Athena helped Zeus shuffle to his feet and they continued on but in double time, due to there recent actions. They finally arrived near the city and it was bustling with craft and Jackals roaming around the city floor just as humans did back were Zeus was from.
Zeus being mesmerized by all this, he accidentally fell into a large basket of fruit in which a side vendor was selling. The tall male Lupus started to shout at Zeus as he sit there tangled in his cloak, and he charged at Zeus. But his charge was diminished by Athena yelling back at him about how he shouldn't leave his basket so far out. "Now don't you ever talk to my son like that again!" Shouted Athena. Zeus under the cloak thought to himself. "Ok I understand I'm three feet shorter than the average Jackal height but this is just humiliating. "Come on baby let's get outta here." Athena said as she picked Zeus up outta the basket." As they got a little farther away Zeus started to walk normally again.
They pulled off to the side to get a sense of direction. "So are we close?" Zeus asked. "Don't worry about that we'll be there soon but we need to worry about getting you in with your face hidden." Remarked Athena as she scratch behind her long pointed ear. Before they left the alley way they inconspicuously looked both ways as to see if they were being watched, they made it down a few blocks successfully before arriving at a large archway with the golden statue of a seductive looking Female Fel. "Who's that?" Asked Zeus, Athena looked up at it and put her hands on her thighs. "That's queen the one the prophecy says your supposed to be with." Zeus raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Athena. "Sooo you mean?" "Yes your supposed to mate with her." Answered Athena in a sarcastic annoyed tone, she thought to herself men are all the same. Athena flicked his shoulder and pointed to a tall obelisk building, but the language on the front started to turn from symbols to understandable writing. "Ah the library." Zeus said, surprised Athena asked him. "How did you understand that?" Zeus stared confused." "How can you not, it's written in my language, what I've been speaking this whole time." Athena confused, assures him that he has in fact been speaking her language. She put a hand on his shoulder and said "have you noticed how you've been able to understand everybody so far." Zeus realized that he could understand a completely different language on a completely different world really opened his eyes to the extent of his powers. They walked into the library and stayed on the farthest row of books as to avoid security which surrounded a desk towards the center on the first floor. Athena took the lead and ducked low when security would walk by, she motion with her eyes to Zeus for him to look to his right. When swiveled his head he saw a grand door which he guessed lead him to the book he needed to get to. So he quickly while down low ran to the door and pulled it open a small bit to were he could get in. On the outside Athena watched the door to make sure no one would soon fallow him after. Zeus walked up to a large book in a room with art and sculptures surrounding the stand in which the book lay on. He flung it opened and started to flip through pages. Each page was labeled by years instead of the page number. This book accurately told the history of this great planet RA from its forming to up to just last year. Amazed Zeus skipped ahead before some wording caught his eye, wording that was very familiar to him. They read simply in gold, GIZA. He started to read the passage.
(The reading)
Years ago our people discovered a planet with life, primitive and untrained we knew our duties, but what we didn't account for is the whole planet. A white man came from the north with great power. They chanted and marched beating drums five stories tall. There massive ships were shaped with the head of a massive beast with breath of fire. This creature they tamed and would use to raid our villages and soon after our main city on the planet, GIZA. We would fight back but each time they would come out Victories. We suspected and it came true, they had not just a god but gods of there own which would periodically show up on the battlefield and lay waste to our forces. But one God Thor, fell in love with our queen of GIZA and promised mercy if she would come back with him. She refused claiming her people meant more to her. So Thor destroyed the grand city leaving nothing but rubble. And he left a large stone sculpture deep below the city and writing which stated. "One day a great worrier will arrive upon RA to Exact revenge or if he sees fit unite the clans.
Zeus flipped to the last page in the section and saw the same symbol he saw back on earth before he was transported to RA. It gave him a stir and he backed up, an energy wave shot from his body, throwing papers and sending him to his knees.

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