Chapter Seventeen

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"So, how are things coming along?", Jaivon asked me. He's been in less than pleasant mood since Kane left two days ago. You would think he would be concerned about the mother of his child, but then again Jaivon isn't one to give a fuck about anyone unless their name is Benjamin. The day Kane left, I woke up to a white rose on my pillow. It smelled amazing and I wish I could've kept it forever. But it will die just like the memories we shared.

Jaivon's operation is more complex than I thought. He has people running things all over the city, even a couple out of town. Being around his workers, helped me learn a lot about Jaivon that I would've never known. Back in his prime, Jaivon was a cold ass hustler. He was known for cutting off people fingers and toes if they shorted him his money. Some say that he did business with my father when he lived here a couple times. My father seemed to have left a big stamp around here. People respected him, and I admired that. I wish I could gain the same respect he did.

I wondered how much Kane was really in the game. He said he was dangerous, but exactly how dangerous can he get? What if I fell for a smaller replica of the demon that is his father? If I would've decided to run off with him and found out he was just as abusive as his father, I don't think I would have been able to deal.

"Things are fine", I finally said after daydreaming.

"Glad you're getting adjusted. I have a few things to take care of down in Birmingham so, I'll need you on point until I get back".

He got up from the couch we both were sitting on and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"You've really changed a lot, Simone".


"You're more mature. I see you as a business partner instead of just a pretty face that makes me money".

I never knew he even thought that much of me.

"I'm going to get in the shower. Can you call Chavonne and make sure everything is good down at the club?"

He turned his back and walked upstairs before I could give an answer. I rolled my eyes. I did not want to call that bitch and hear her disgusting voice oozing into my ears. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and searched my contact list for the bitch's number. A vibration in the cushion of the couch startled me, making me yelp a little. I reached between the two cushions and pulled out what looks like is Jaivon's spare phone. The caller ID said "important", and I debated answering it. I mean, it could be an emergency.


"Who is this?", a female's voice pierced into the phone.

"Uh ... are you looking for Jaivon?"

"Never mind that, who the fuck are you answering my husband's phone?"

Husband? Well, what in the fuck?

"I'm nobody," I answered.

"Na, you're somebody. So, who the fuck are you?"

"I'll just tell him you called".

"Or you can tell me who you are answering my man's phone. You fuckin' him or something?"

"Listen, don't nobody want Jaivon, okay? And you don't need to know who I am!"

"That nigga has the nerve to be messin' around on me and his kids".


"Oh, you didn't know?"

"No, I didn't know".

She fell silent for a moment, and I thought maybe she had disconnected the call.

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