my life as a teenage sex addict

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Me and Maddi-my bets friend since pre-school- walked in the living room on the top floor of my aunts hotel.

"so heard about the new boy?"

"who you mean Kenneth?"

"yeah," she said walking over to the fridge handing me a candy.


Sooo," she said sitting next to me on the couch.

"so what?" I asked.

"you know what" she said giggling. Maddi was the only person who I couldn't manage to lie to. She actually knew the truth and sometimes she even helped me out. David didn't know a thing all he knew that I lost my V-Card with his friend Josh.

"Nah, he's too weird I mean not that I'm against the whole dead thing I just can't picture myself doing it with him that's all," I said.

"and besides my evil step brother is so going to be here to "break up" with you?"


why?" I asked we have some of the best sex around.

"don't ask me it's about the whole age thing that's all,"

"knock three time when you see David K?"

"sure," she said walking to the door she must've heard the knock before I did because she left as he enters.

"I watch her dark skin and long black hair walk out as her step brother walked in whose go by the name of "ant". He had a face of a baby with a low boy with waves. His eyes were dark brown and his muscles well they made things even better.

"hey shit face," she said walking by him

"bye bitch," he said.

"when's your brother coming home?"


"you sure about this,"

"yeah I mean I set my phone for 7:30 so we can clean up or what not-

"no I mean about me being 21 and you 16"

"hey I'll be 17 a week from tomorrow so what you want to do we got 5 hours by ourselves." I said taking off my shirt

He bit his lip thinking. I walked up to him and put my finger over his mouth. "let me do all the talking," I gripped him by his belt buckle and shoved him over to the couch and ripped off his pants. I took off all my clothes except my shoes' gripped his dick and started to give him a hand job. I started to do it in a steady rhythmic I let my bare breast touch up on his abs as he tried to swallow back his moans, "do you really want to leave me"

He shook his head and pulled me into his lap kissing me softly as he took off his pants and pulled a condom out his pocket, I tied my hair into a ponytail and ribbed off his shirt we

We haven't even got into it yet when my BFF/his step sister came running through the door "your dad is coming up the stairs with David?!"

"what I said pushing him off me, I ran to my room and out on a robe by the time I came back out they were gone, I was about to start the bath water when David knocked on the door.

"coming!" I yelled and to my surprise she was right my father and my brother(whose name both are David) walked in my father face was slightly sad like he just lost something, however my brother face was slightly pissed off like he wanted to hurt somebody.

"what happened?!" I yelled at both of them.

"tell her pops," my brother said.

"tell me what?"

"tell her how you just threw her life away TELL HER!"

"what you mean 'threw my life away'?"

"your father just sold you, Cate." I looked at him as he put his head down.

"what you mean sold me you can't sell another person in the America he pulling your leg David."

"unless your parent approve it," my father said. I walked up to him and threw a punch at him strucking him hard in the face.

"how dare you! What type of man will sell its only daughter you monster!" I said trying as my brother hold me back.

"I had no other choice I owed them about 300,000 I had no way to pay them expect with you."

I walked to the kitchen grapped a stool and reached for the booze and took a long swig before I started to cough.

"who you sold me to?"

"the mafia."


"you heard him right and guess what now your going to have to get married the weekend of your 17th birthday sis isn't that what we always planned for you," my brother said spastically.

"do you know what happen to all there wife's? They end up KILLING them is that how you want me to be dad DEAD then who you going to sell our mother or is she sold out to!" and then he slapped me David(my brother) pushed him out the way and out the door as I sat there sitting on the kitchen floor washing down the whole bottle of booze. I felt my brother picked me up and the last thing I remember before I passed out in his arms was "wait till she find out who it is!".

My life as a teenage sex addict chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now