Chapter 6 Maddi tell all

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Sorry I haven't been able to update and all in such a  very long time but i did make a promise and so many of you guys helped me realized that it doesn't matter what people say. Thanks and for that i give you what you all have been waiting for, the next chapter, also follow me on twitter @BieberliousTay, THANKS!!

I looked in Kenneth eyes, and felt safe, which was very not myself. Shouldn't a girl who just been carried up in the middle of the forest by a complete stranger be in total panic? But I wasn't I was actually happy about it to be honest, the whole me being with him. He moved his face closer to mines and smiled.

"what are you thinking about?" he said smiling at me.

"Why im not scared?" I giggled.

"Easy, your not scared because your not ment to be scared Catelynn. What im about to tell you is very serious. Your my mate, the girl i open up to, the girl im infused with." He said seriously.

"Mate? You mean like a girlfriend?" He nodded. Then i realized something, he didn't say girlfriend and there was a reason why. But I felt like I already knew why? He wasn't like the average boy as a matter of fact nobody here was 'average" Except me. Not even my best friend.

"See you already know." He brought a smile to the end of his lips. Those lips so soft, I bit my lips to stop myself from kissing him. But no matter what I did i couldn't stop him from kissing me. When our lips met i felt so warm that fire sensation was back and i felt myself trying to catch my breath, when we parted. We stayed there in the forest until he realized i was scared that we wouldn't find our way back home.

"So I guess this is Princess Maddi's house." he said as i walked up the few steps to her front door. forest was everywhere in the backround, only a slightly dim path that led to her house to where Kenneth took me from earlier that day.

"Yes, I guess this is. You know I never would've expect my best friend to be a Princess, and my boyfriend to be next in line for the thrown." i said letting my hair down from a simple ponytail.

"Simply beauitful." He said smiling.

"Will I see you tomorrow." I said.

"Be ready at 5 I want you to see something." He reached up kissed me softly and by the time i re-opened my eyes, he was gone. I walked in the house hearing weird noises from upstairs. I decided to NOT go up them stairs. I walked to the kitchen and i saw my best friend walking with a smile, no breath, and sweating like a sinner in church.

"I...see...your finally...back" she said between huffs. I couldnt help but laugh.

"Yes, I am. Why were you hiding all this from me."

"if it was ment for you to know then you did. trust me everything was hidden from me too. And look at me now, im married to a Prince! who makes the best love in this friggin world!" She smiled so happily.

"How'd you meet?" i asked. "he told me about everything else even the vampires, but he didn't tell me how you guys meet."

"give me a water bottle and i'll tell you everything from start to finish." I sat down on a stool and waited for her to speak again.

"Well i was about 16 when my father made me and my older sister  Lynn go to my grandpa house up here where Kevin was helping out at the farm and ranch and such. I saw him and had the biggest crush ever on him, but he was so distance so i gave up the first week and i didn't tell nobody. Lynn on the other hand loved him and was going to do anything for him I remember. So one day i was bored and i found this torn up house just wide open. I wasn't about to go in but it started to pour out of no where. And then there was Kevin."

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