There's a solution

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There is a solution. The next time you are frustrated, the next time you feel acute pain or resentment or unfairness, all you have to do is remember one thing.
I don't even know where I first heard it but this line is one of the most profound and true statements about the human condition.
This moment is not your life. This is just a moment in your life.
That's it. That sentence will help you endure much. It will help you let so much go.
Someone cuts you off in traffic. This inconveniences you for what, four seconds? Yet it matters because our mind suddenly starts thinking, "Am I going to let people treat me this way?" And now you feel like you need to do something about it. When you're sick with the flu, it's particularly awful because it feels like it will never end. We're taking a moment and mindlessly extending it out indefinitely.

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