Following your heart

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The only time I have actually ever heard
of anyone “following their heart” is
right before they do something that
disrespects them.
To clarify: There is a difference
between following your gut that’s
being led by your intuition and
logic & following your gut that’s
being led by pure emotion.
Often times, we think “following our heart”
means to follow and stay loyal to our
strongest emotion. In reality, our strongest
emotion isn’t always what our hearts want
nor need.
What our hearts ultimately want is to
remain at peace and be taken care of.
Our hearts want alignment, they want
compassion and kindness. Our hearts
want what is best for us at all times.
What “following your heart” really
means, is that you are loyal to your
own evolution.
“Following your heart” is when you
prioritize what you need over what you
want, and you make sure you feel respected
at all times.
It’s important that we take the time to
listen to our inner voice and fully hone
in on what it’s saying. Sometimes our
bodies get so caught up in routine,
addiction, obsession, and close-
mindedness, that we are unable to
rationally analyze what it is that best
honors our humanity and our livelihood.
Stay true to the vision of you. Listen to
what your heart truly desires and what
it is truly in alignment with, not just
what you are used to being in aligned

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