strange how we pretend these days

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Strange how much we pretend these days.
We don't blurt out our feelings, We despise being judged.
We don't sit and talk to people for an hour straight. We talk over drinks, Blaming alcohol for the honesty !
We don't give people a hearty hug on their birthdays. We write a fancy message on a social networking site rather.
We ignore the beggar on the street But attend a charity event.
We don't get out of unwanted relationships. Our image comes in the way ! Priorities, you see.
We don't make friends anymore. We make acquaintances, People we would rather be seen hanging out with.
We fear losing people When we actually don't have many. And the few we do, We take them for granted.
Remember the last time you spent a weekend with your family?
We are running after money, Missing out on moments. Underestimating the limited time we have, here
We are all pretending to be okay, When we are not. We are all surviving on substitutes
And strange how we are too preoccupied to even realize that.

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