Chapter Three

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The next day I didn't leave my room, because I couldn't bear to face my parents. I was still rather upset with Mama and figured it would be best if stayed out of her way. So, I just sat at my window seat and read books. Occasionally one of the maids in the household would knock on my door to see if I needed anything, which I thought was sweet of them, and they would bring my meals up to me. I told each of them that they didn't have to do that and if I was hungry I would come down and get myself something. But they continued to wait on me hand and foot.

The day went by fairly quickly until I noticed that it had started to get dark outside. I began to wonder if the boys would be beginning to make their way to the café for the meeting. Would Enjolras even notice that I wasn't there? I just stared out the window as the sun went down, think of Enjolras and the rest of the boys.

(Enjolras' P.O.V)

The sun was starting to set and slowly everyone started to gather. I looked around at everyone's faces looking for one in particular. Valerie. I looked at my pocket watch and saw that it was seven o'clock. Where was she? She promised last night as I walked her home that she would come tonight. But she didn't show. Maybe she changed her mind about Andre. Just thinking about it made me sick. I knew I had feelings for her, but I just couldn't figure out how to tell her that I may be in love with her. I knew from the moment I ran into her at the market that day, that she was something special, and the more I got to know her and saw her passion for change like I had, I knew she was different. She was kind, smart, and most of all the most beautiful girl I had ever met. I got this feeling in my stomach whenever she was around that made me feel as light as a feather. And when she came into the café last night broken like she was, I wanted nothing more than to protect her from whatever had made her feel this way.

I carried on with the meeting as usual, but once the meeting had finished I quickly left the Café Musain and made my way to Valerie's home. I just had to see her and tell her how I felt about her. When I reached the house, it was completely dark, except for one light on the second floor. It was almost midnight, so I was kind of surprised when I saw her sitting in the window reading. I stared up at her and smiled at her figure in the window. She had her hair cascading down he back in curls and wore a simple royal blue dress that complimented he pale skin perfectly. I pulled myself from my thoughts, thinking that I needed to find a way to get her attention.

I picked up a few small pebbles and lightly threw them so that they hit the window. I missed with the first few rocks, but hit the corner of the window with the third. Valerie looked up from her book and looked out the window squinting in the darkness. She set down her book and quietly opened the window. I smiled as she looked around. I stepped into the pool of light that the light from her room created on the ground. I could see her smile when she saw me.

"Enjolras, what are you doing here?" She whispered loud enough for me to hear, but carefully not to wake her parents.

"We missed you tonight at the meeting. I missed you" I smiled up at her. "Why didn't you come?" I could see the smile fade from her face.

"Mama has been keeping me on house arrest." She said with a sad look on her face.

"What on earth for?" I asked confused. I looked around for a way to climb up to the window so we could talk properly. I spotted a vine that was growing up the side of the house that went all the way up to her window. She went to answer my question but I cut her off.

"Hold on, I'll climb up to you!" I said as I started to scale the vine up to the open window.

"Be careful Enjolras!" I heard her whisper, and I just looked up at her smiling. When I reached the window I sat on the window sill.

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