Chapter 3

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A/N - How many chapters should I make this? Are you enjoying it? Leave your comments!

Word Count - 702

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Sirius -

As I return from changing into my Gryffindor robes, the cabin that half of the Marauders are currently occupying is eerily quiet.

Whatever James had to say to Remus after I bolted, makes him turn red when I open the door, and thinking back to the way it had felt being wrapped up next to him, I can also feel pink spreading across my cheeks.

Shrugging it off, I replace my look of embarrassment with a mask of cool confidence that I am severely lacking right now.

Realising that I'm going too be spending the rest of the year with these guys, I decide to ignore the dull ache I feel when Remus pointedly ignores me by continuing his book with his concentration unwavering, but the blush is still present.

Peter suddenly appears behind me, startling my already flustered composure and knocks me forward. At first I stumble, and then trip over James' legs that are "unfortunately" lying across the ground.

I fly towards Remus and land on top of him, and our lips brush against each other. A warm tingle covers where my lips meet his.

Remus –

I sneakily glance up at Sirius as he saunters back into the Marauders compartment from behind my book. His silky, black, shoulder length hair falls effortlessly across his face, framing his high cheekbones, and strong jawline. His robes hang effortlessly around him, labeling him as the one and only Black to be sorted into Gryffindor, and his confident aura seems to radiate off him.

I can feel a lingering gaze on me, so I instinctively sneak another look from behind the pages. I almost melt into a puddle of jumbles and nerves, but Peter and his amazing timing skills (please note the heavy use of sarcasm), get to us first.

The accidental push is all it takes, before I see Sirius come stumbling towards me, conveniently tripping over James' "misplaced" feet, and landing on top of me – out lips touching each other briefly.

I wish it lasted longer, as a pleasantly warm sensation washes over my entire body from the small amount of contact.

I'm sure only I felt it though.

Flustered, we both break apart and I turn to Peter, who is currently shuffling at the entrance to the room. At the sound of the crash that was caused by our collision, a small crowd of students, ranging from first to third years, is forming behind Wormtail.

James is having none of it.

"Oi, you lot! If you don't scram in the next 5 milliseconds, I will personally see to it that you are hexed into dust so small, that it would be considered microscopic!" he yells, followed by a huff of annoyance.

All of them disperse in a flurry of movement, in an attempt to keep themselves "jinx-free," leaving a certain green-eyed, redhead standing outside our compartment next to Peter.

"I was unaware that you knew the definition of 'microscopic' Potter," Lily teases playfully.

James visibly freezes, disbelieving that Lily Evans was really starting a conversation with him after years of pinning after her, followed by harsh rejection.

He forces himself to relax.

"I pay more attention in class then you may think, Evans," he says back, complete with a wink and his trademark smirk.

Wormtail, Padfoot and I all make eye-contact and start giggling silently at his not-so-discreet flirting. Sirius' body begins trembling in violent contractions from his laughter, and is insanely attractive and infectious. I feel myself double over, successfully attempting to contain the peals of laughter threatening to escape my lips. Peter however, lasted a whole 3 seconds before breaking, a slight squeal escapes from him.

This snaps Lily and James from staring dreamily into each other's eyes. Realising what had happened, a pink tinge lays a blanket over both of their embarrassed faces, only fuelling our laughter.

The sound of our joyous voices makes their way down the hallway of our section of the train.

It's going to be a good year, I think to myself lips still tingling from the accidental kiss.

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