Chapter 12

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A/N - It's been so long since the last update, so sorry! School has been stressing me out to no end, but it's almost finished.

And also, when did we hit 400 views?! Thank you guys so much xox

Word Count - 662

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Sirius -

I swear it wasn't my idea this time.

After a stressful day of watching Remus space in and out in class, James managed to convince me to throw a party in the common room to "help release the tension".

Let's be honest - it didn't take much convincing.

After a few shots of firewhiskey, I was dancing tipsily on top of the table in the middle of the fast-growing crowd, and just getting some thoughtless thoughts out of my cluttered headspace.

But no one was listening, not really. They were all making good use of the free alcohol that someone had managed to smuggle into the dorm.

But no matter how much I tried to cover it up with pointless wonderings, loud music, or people - the vibrant images of a certain sandy haired boy were laced in the back of my mind, and I couldn't seem to shake them.

So, of course, I did the sensible thing and spilled my heart out.

Remus -

Sirius was drunk.

Two things told me so.

One - he was dancing like a lunatic on the table, muttering random nothings to anyone who could hear him.

And two - I could smell it on him.

And it wasn't because of the werewolf senses; he was standing mere inches away from me and had backed me into a quiet corner away from the center of the party.

Long story short, he had me trapped. And it was hot as fuck.

But really though, he was practically breathing in the same air as me. Thankfully, the height difference between us allowed some space between our faces.

He was standing shamelessly on his tippy toes and had tilted his face towards mine. He was making it really hard to concentrate with his hands on my chest, keeping himself balanced. The soft curls that framed the nape of his neck fell away
from his face, and he leant in closer to whisper something in my ear.

"I saw your drawing," he told me in a soft voice, the alcohol causing his words to slur into one another.

My heart stopped and the music in the background faded away. He couldn't have.

"I liked it." He nipped my ear with his teeth and I involuntarily shivered.

"Siri, you're drunk," I hear myself tell him. "You don't know what you're doing." I'm surprised that my voice hadn't lost the ability to function after this haunting news.

Had he really seen it?

"Trust me Rem, I've been wanting to do this for a long time," he said, barely audible over the shouts and singing of the raging party.

"Let's get you to bed." He groaned in frustration and tried to get away, but I caught his wrist and felt shockwaves of electricity go through my fingers. He must have felt it too, as he visibly tensed up at the strange, but not unpleasant, sensation.

At first I tried to lead him to our dorm, but he resisted too much so I opted for picking him up instead. Every point where our skin touched, the weird energy filled my body.

We entered the room and I put him on top of his bed. He had passed out somewhere between the party and the staircase, turning into dead weight somewhere along the way.

I could still hear people downstairs partying their hearts out. I should have joined them, but my mind was too much of a muddled mess to interact with other people.

He had seen the drawing.

He pushed me up against a wall and bit my ear while whispering things to me.

He wasn't creeped out by the stalkerish sketch I had done of him.

With those thoughts swirling around in my head, I crashed into the pile of unmade blankets on my bed and wished for a dreamless sleep.

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