Chapter 10

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A/N - I changed the title and cover of this book - it was previously titled "Sea of Flames - Wolfstar". Just thought this was more appropriate!

Word Count - 355


Remus -

I dove head first into my bed from the doorway, and landed in the pile of unmade cushions and blankets.

I locked the door to prevent anyone entering the room; I needed some time to think without a certain distraction.

My face felt hot. Too hot.

I rushed into the bathroom and briefly stare at my reflection, before splashing a wave of cold water to refresh the sweaty mess I had become.

How could Sirius bare to even look at me, let alone touch me?

I sighed heavily and made my way back into the dorm and flopped onto the bed, almost instantly falling asleep.

Sirius -

Moony really needed to work on keeping mischief makers out of a locked room.

Did he really think we wouldn't use the window?

When James and I eventually entered the room, we were met with a sleeping Remus, snoring slightly between his barely parted lips. His hair was ruffled and his face was relieved of all emotion, giving him a cute baby face appearance.

James' said something about giving us a minute alone and walked out of the room. That was easy.

I strolled over to the other side of his bed, and nearly tripped on his suitcase spread across the floor. As I regained my footsteps, I accidentally knocked over a few stacks of paper near his bag, and I hastily picked them up. As I did this, one particular paper caught my eye and I couldn't help but have a better look at it.

A perfectly drawn portrait of yours truly was placed in the center of the page, and the signature down the bottom marked it as Moony's work. I shoved back into the pile of paper and tried to ignore the waves of questions that were crashing relentlessly inside my head.

I'll worry about that later.

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter guys! The next one is a lot longer ;)

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