Chapter 7

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A/N - Changing the story to past-tense cause present-tense is too hard lmao

Word Count - 684

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Sirius -

The three of us crowded around the hospital bed in the infirmary which held Peter.

He looked terrible, with purple dots filled with puss scattered across his face, and any remaining skin that wasn't infected with these was ghostly pale.

James was the first to speak up.

"What's wrong with him, Madame Promfery?"

She paused from tending to the sick boy to answer him.

"It appears as though he has a severe case of Cerebrumous Spattergoit," she answered calmly, as if he had simply come down with a cold that could be fixed easily. It was quite opposite.

Cerebrumous Spattergroit was a particularly virulent version of the infectious fungus spattergroit. In addition to the regular symptoms of the disease, such as the formation of purple pustules on the skin, it caused severe confusion and memory loss if not treated right or fast enough.

The three boys stood in shock at the news, disbelieving her.

"W-will he be ok?" Remus stuttered with concern clear on his face, which made me internally smile at how much he cared about his friends.

This really isn't the time for swooning Sirius.

Madame Promfery told us that Wormtail would be in the infirmary for a few months at least before he would be able to talk again, much to our disappointment.

So many people underestimated him and thought he was just the weird quiet kid. He only really opened up and shared his insight on pretty much anything and everything with his close friends - which they never got to see because they never give him any first, let alone second, chances.

In that moment I felt truly sorry for my friend.

But I knew he would never want my, or anyone's, sympathy.

Remus -

I felt terrible.

Terrible for Peter, terrible about what happened with Sirius, and to top it all off the full moon was in less than a week.

Terrible seemed to sum it up nicely.

The only good thing that seemed to come from that morning was that we got the rest of the day off.

Well, we kind of gave ourselves the rest of the day off, but no one came looking for us and it was only the start of the year so it's not like we were missing much, right?

Oh, if Lily heard me now...

We hung out in the common room for the day, and it was pretty calming for my restlessness from being so close to transforming.

I lay on the couch with my legs propped against the armrest. I don't think I moved that whole day, I just read my book and ignored the world around me.

I tried to at least.

My mind kept reeling back to that morning, and as cheesy as it sounds I couldn't get it out of my head.

Again, a blush crawled up my neck and made its way to my face. I just buried my nose deeper into the book.

Until someone tore it from my grip.

"Whatcha got here Moony?" Sirius purred into my ear, my blush deepening.

"Uh-h just a book," I stammered. "Nothing too special,"

I sat up on the couch and folded my legs awkwardly, and to my horror and delight he sat down next to me.

I tried to tune out the skin contact between my leg and his forearm.

His musky scent of cologne and - was that strawberries? - filled my nose, making me lose my other senses.

"You smell nice," I said, thinking aloud, and then froze when I let those words escape my lips. My cherry-red face flushed yet again.

He chuckled, sending vibrations down my body, causing me to shiver slightly. He obviously noticed but didn't say anything.

"You aren't too bad yourself, Remus," he said, and if it was possible I would have blushed even more. But to my luck I had reached maximum embarrassment.

Lucky me.

I'm pretty sure my soul had left my body at this point.

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