Chapter 5

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A/N - Woo an update! Oof look at that word count, it's a long one ;)

Um, 50 reads?! Wow ok then...

Word count - 815

~ • ~

Remus -


The sparkling sea of red and orange flames, held up by what seemed like thousands of candle sticks, cast a warm hue across the field, creating a sharp contrast between the night sky and the glimmering landscape.

He comes into view, his normally tidy midnight black hair is ruffled from sleep, and the orange glow from the fire lights up his stunning features. As his chocolate brown eyes meet mine, it sends something fluttering in my stomach, and I can't help wondering...

Does he feel the same way?


The strange ending to the dream wakes me from my deep slumber. Instinctively, I look over to the bunk next to me that is cradelling the boy who has been occupying my recent dreams.

Just like in my imagination, his hair is sexily messy across his face, however sleep has relieved Padfoot of all everpresent tension and emotion from his face.

He looks truly beautiful in the early morning light filtering through the dusty windows, and I can't help but stare at the work of art before me.

Pretty sure I'm falling for him.

After allowing myself one more look at him before I shower, I stroll over to my suitcase to get out my Gryffindor robes for the day.

At my noisy movements, James stirs in his bed.

Just to be an annoying little shit (what are best friends for?), I peg a pillow straight at Prong's face, causing a yelp of surprise to come from the bed, followed by a string of curses and profanities.

I rush to the bathroom to avoid his retaliation so fast that it causes some papers to flutter out the top of my bag.

(Time Skip)

I emerge from the bathroom feeling fresh and ready to start the day.

I notice that my bag is still open with some pieces of parchment leaking from the top, which is strange because I clearly remember putting all of my school supplies in a different section if the bag.

It hits me, and I groan at my stupidity.

I hastily speed walk to my suitcase and stuff the sketch of Sirius deep into my bag before anyone sees it.

Satisfied that my artwork is hidden from sight, I turn around to head down to the Great Hall for breakfast and almost run straight into Padfoot.

Bloody hell, can't I catch a break?

His smirk melts my knees, but I somehow manage to stay standing and somewhat stable.

"What are you doing up so early?" he asks, with the melodic deep voice, slightly husky from sleep.

"I-I c-could ask you the same thing," I hear myself say, grateful for my natural instinct to uphold a conversation.

He notices my stutter and tilts his face upwards and towards me, causing my heart to speed up and my breath to hitch in my throat.

"What are you hiding Remus?" he seductively breathes into my ear, and I'm sure he can hear my heart whirring at the speed of light at this point.

Unable to answer due to my shocked state, I practically run out of the room, knowing that there will be a lot of teasing to come from the outcome of this 'conversation'.

Sirius -


The flickering flames surround him, pure awe etched into his face. His raw happiness is infectious, and slowly a rare and genuine smile begins to spread across my face. At my show of affection, his warm amber eyes that hold so much youth and knowledge soften amplifying their colour.


I wake up in a cold sweat, the colour of Moony's eyes still painted on the back of my eyelids.

The movement of a body walking towards the general direction of the bed next to mine, causes my head to whip around, and then relax when I realise it is the subject who is occupying my dreams.

Lets have some fun, shall we?

As he turns towards my bed, I stalk behind him and find myself face to face with those eyes full of liquid fire, yet again doing strange things to my body.

"What are you doing up so early?" I hear myself say, my voice ugly and rough from sleep.

"I-I c-could ask you the same thing," he stutters adorably, my close proximity making him visibly nervous - and for some reason I enjoy it although I'm not sure why.

I subtly raise myself onto my tippy toes to speak into his ear, and I could feel my own heart racing at the thoughts of how he would react to what I was about to do.

"What are you hiding Remus?" I whisper into his ear, and I heard his breathing get caught in his throat.

Before I can stop him, he runs out of the room.

Well, shit.

daydreaming - wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now