"See, I would comment on the outfit but I'm just happy to see you out of the room." Logan teases as I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and I contemplate walking into his arms.
"I missed you." He admits once I get the courage to let him touch me. "And I know you must've missed me, so smile." He steps back and motions to the two brooding boys at the kitchen counter.
"You never got to fully meet Garrett." He finishes his thought and I am very skeptical.
"I'm having an okay day. Is he going to ruin that?" I ask cautiously.
"No, he's honestly nothing to worry about." A voice I didn't expect comes from behind and Bash joins us at my side. "He's actually been asking to get to know you."
We aren't counting that awkward hi and goodbye? What a shame, I thought I made myself presentable that day.
"Garrett stop stuffing your face for a second." Logan places his hand on the dirty blond and his head snaps back to look at me.
Great choice for clothes today Jen.
My old gym shorts and one of your mates sweatshirts.
"Ah she lives. I'm happy to finally speak with you."
"Same here."
"You're quieter than I expected. I could've sworn someone said something about snarky and quick witted."
"Nobody said anything about posh boy either."
"And she's back." Hudson offers me a kind smile and I send one back in his direction. "And yeah we forgot to mention that."
"It's not my fault I was born in England."
"Yeah, but it's your choice to be a twat." Logan tries to mimic his friend and I let out a small chuckle at the awful attempt at a British accent.
"I'm guessing they didn't give you any backstory?" Garrett motions to the empty seat next to him and I shake my head at both the question and the offer.
"I'm good, thank you." I choke out as I find my breath getting caught in my throat. I reach down and grab Bash's hand before placing my body against his.
"Well why don't we tell you?" Bash catches onto my nervous behavior and leads me to the living room where he takes a seat and pulls me down on top of him.
"You okay?"
"I rather not get close to anyone I don't know very well." I clarify and he nods before kissing my knuckles and placing our interlocked hands back on his thigh.
"Story time." Logan cheers as he and his twin take a seat leaving Garrett to take seat on the nearby loveseat.
"Can we try and make it quick? Family dinner in twenty."
"Meet the parents?" Hudson smiles and it finally clicks.
I'm gonna be meeting his mom and dad. My future mother in law and father in law. My future family.
Meeting his sisters was hard enough.
"Can I meet them tomorrow?" I ask and I see part of his heart shatter through his eyes but he forces a smile before nodding in agreement.
"Garrett you gonna speak or not." He breaks eye contact and stares back at his friend.
"I was waiting for little miss interruption to let me speak."
"Fuck off. I can always leave and this will be our last interaction. You do realize that he had to come save your dumbass when I needed him the most?"
And there goes being civil.
"I'm sorry that you broke your nail. I was busy being chained up by an art broker with a vengeance."
So that's the business.
"No I'm sorry that you have stereotypes of girls that aren't realistic. I'm also sorry that you didn't do your job correctly and got caught."
"Listen here." He leans forward in his chair. "I put my life on the line to make money for your boyfriend or husband or whatever he is."
"He's technically her mate but yeah those work too." Logan joins in.
"Jen did need him more than you did Garrett, so I wouldn't push it." Hudson adds to his brothers comment and I try my hardest to avoid a screaming match with someone I have to live with.
"No offense Garrett, but if I knew how bad things were back home I probably wouldn't have gone with the guys to get you when I did." Bash admits before sitting up a little straighter.
"So you would've left me there? You know for a fact that dumb and dumber wouldn't have been able to save me."
"Garrett we told you how much a mate bond affects someone. It's not that he wouldn't want to save you, it's just that Jen is the person he's supposed to lead and have kids with."
"Yeah I get it, but my life was on the line and I could've died." Garrett keeps pushing the subject and I throw my hands up.
"I knew what was going on in my life and I told Bash to get you. I would've forced him to go regardless because I know he would regret it if he didn't save you. He will always choose to stay and make sure I'm okay because that's how mates are, but I also know when it's too much. I wasn't going to keep him from going to save you. Don't be stupid."
I never quite understood the tough Alpha who gets blinded by his love or protective nature and forgets the world around him. If you're mate is that much of a weakness than you're doing something wrong. Your Luna should be the top of your priorities but she can't start to blind your leadership amongst other things.
"I have to change if I'm going to this dinner or I am going back to our room, so please can we get this show on the road." I wave my hands around and Sebastian laughs slightly before kissing me on the cheek.
"You look adorable, don't worry."
"I'm in gym shorts you weirdo. I cannot meet your parents in these." I mumble as Garrett crosses his arms over his chest and keeps a harsh glare directed my way.
"I met Bash when I was in high school and he introduced me to Logan and Hudson. I was not on any athletics teams however I was quite loved by the cheerleaders and other ladies." He smirks. "I knew them for about two years before they finally told me about everything. Of course I don't understand when it comes to your lifestyle choices but I know about the pack. I happen to have my fair share of experience dealing with the business end of things."
"So is this when I finally learn what you guys do to make money?" I ask and Logan cringes before shaking his head. "Okay well thank you for the backstory. My name is Jenifer and you can call me Jen. I'm twenty, my brother is Alpha Harris and I'm not very interesting if we're being honest."
"That's not true. Why don't we talk about how stubborn you are about colors."
"Not this again." Sebastian stands up. "Not tonight Logan. I gotta go see my family." He grabs onto my hand and I stop him. "Okay fine go change." He points upstairs and I smile before rushing upstairs and changing into different pants.
A first impression isn't going to be in a dress. I rather not set the bar high because I know I'll fail to hit it ever again.
Here goes nothing.

WerewolfAn alpha male wants his power. They wants control and they wants their Luna to fall in line, just like the rest of their pack. Jenifer isn't about to fall in line, but what happens when the two of quickly learn that it's them against the world. Lun...