Chap. 2

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Chapter 2: Orphanage pt. 2

Song of chapter: Cleanin out my closet - Eminem


I woke up to a blinding light shining in through the thin blinds in our room. Wow...sounds weird saying our room instead of my room. Liam was still sleeping. He looked funny....with his head hanging off the right side of his bed, one of his legs bent and the other hanging off the left side of his bed. I looked around and noticed Sean was gone. I wounder if he decided to give himself a tour of the building. Though there isn't much to tour. This orphanage looks like its been through war. The walls have huge holes and dents in them. Looks like an elephant came crashing through here. Anyways, the floors barely had any carpet on them and if it did, it was torn up. Everything else just looks like it'll cave in at any given moment.

I saw a shadow out the corner of my eye. I turned my head just enough to see Sean ‛sneaking' back into the room.

" Stare much. " he said.

" I didn't realise I was staring...but ok. " I said jokingly.

Thankfully he caught on because I don't know what i'd do if he thought any different of my sentence.

" Where've you been? " I asked.

" Just looking around. " he stated.

" There's not much to see. " I replied.

" I've noticed. " he answered.

We didn't say anything else after that. Just sat there in complete silence. Same as we did last night. Oh yeah, did I meantion that I'm bi....Well I am. And I don't really find anyone else attractive in here with the exception of him and Liam. Sean on one hand has a very nice lean body, with blonde short cut hair that somewhat curves on the top making him look stunning. And then on the other hand is Liam. He's very adorable with his hair short and spikey. Nice biceps and chizzled jaw. He looks handsome and clean cut.

I just don't have a clue which to choose. Sean looks feisty yet sweet and Liam looks adorable yet serious. BUT.... there's also another reason besides the fact of me not being able to choose....they're straight. Well at least I think they are. If not then they have a very good way of hiding their sexuality.

" Hey boy..." Liam said.

" It's Isaiah...and what? " I answered a little harsher than I intended to.

" Ok Isaiah, what do you and the rest of these kids in here do for fun? " he asked.

" Nothing exciting I know that much, but uh....board games I guess. " I answered honestly.

" Oh... " he said with a bored tone.

I don't blame him, this is the worst orphanage out there. I'll never know why they chose to come here. There's like 20 other orphanages in this city. I hate it here...there ain't anything to do that's associated with ‛ fun ', I'm bored every second of the day in this place. It sucks so much.

I got up and made my bed, it's a habit. I walked over to the door when Sean said.... " Hey, where are you going? "

" To get some fresh air....ya'll wanna come with? " I asked them.

" Sure! " both Liam and Sean said in unison.

~Play song here~

" Ok. " I said and we left our room. We walked down the long narrow hallway leading to the "game room" , took a right and two lefts arriving at the front door. I signed us out, making sure to put what we were doing, where we were going, the time and date. At this orphanage we always have to sign ourselves out and back in so that the child care worker, administrators, and everyone else who works here won't worry. We left then.

" Where are we going? " Sean questioned.

" To a small café. " I said.

The café we're going to is called 'Paradise Café House'. I love this café because they have the best coffecakes. We entered the café and went to the counter.

" What may I get you gentlemen today? " the cashier asked.

" I'd like two coffecakes, a scone, and a caramel mocha latte please. " I said.

" May I get a glazed doughnut, a boston crémé doughnut, a key lime pie, and a chocolate frappuccino. " Liam said.

" I'll just have an espresso. " Sean said.

We sat down when our food and drinks came at a small round table by the window. Liam and Sean started up a conversation but I was pulled into my thoughts once again. I started to think about what my mom always told me and Isacc whenever someone would make us made. She'd say 'Be your own anchor and don't let anyone take that from you'. Me and my brother were close. We'd do about everything together. My family was very loving when I came out. My brother didn't care he still loved me the same and my parents were happy that I told them. I know coming out at only 3 years of age is young but it wasn't for me.

" Isaiah...Isaiah...Helloo!?! " they said snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Yeah what? " I asked a little confused.

" It's 5:45... don't you think we should head back? " Liam asked.

" Oh yeah...let's go. " I told them.

I didn't notice how long we've been here. We grabbed what we didn't finish and started heading back to the orphanage. It took us approximately 20 minutes to arrive there. I signed us back in and went to our room. I put my leftovers on my beside table and layed down. I was exhausted so it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

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