18+! Gonna be honest here, part of me didn't want to write this chapter. It's not that it's bad (hopefully), but I have a personal experience here. And I still get made fun of for it. Still though, please enjoy my dirty mind...
I never realised how nice the floor looked. Probably because I'd never stared at it so much. Yea, it was dirty from thousands of kids that came before me, but it was a nicer view than the laughing faces of everyone around me.
"Hey Dustian! Look! We found your twin!" I heard and I glanced up. Why the fuck do I do things like that?
The kid who spoke pointed next to him, where his friend quickly started moaning in the most over exaggerated way ever. "Oh Master! Please, oh please Master!" He moaned out, rubbing his hands down his face like he was desperate.
Turning away and storming off towards class, I really hope they take the red in my cheeks as anger and not embarrassment. "Assholes." I mumbled under my breath, discreetly checking my phone. 467 new followers on Wattpad. At least something good came out of this humiliation. I swear to God, Martin better hope I never find him.
Martin was one of the worst bullies I'd ever met, and I'd met a lot. He couldn't even follow the damn 'pecking order' the other bullies had made. They are all supposed to have a group that they were allowed to bully, but Martin had said for them to go fuck themselves by bullying literally anyone he wanted. Teachers, students, parents. No one could stop him. And then I showed up.
I wasn't scared. He may have physically beat me everyday, but I never stopped smiling at him, slowly killing his ego that he'd so carefully constructed. It was painful, but I'd at least gotten the heat off everyone else. Which meant his full focus was on me. So, in an effort to destroy my image, he'd gone searching on the web. That's when he found my Wattpad account.
All my perverted fantasies, all my kinks, AND the confession of being bisexual? How could he resist? Within hours it was posted all over the school page, Facebook, everywhere. I'm honestly surprised he'd gotten it so well spread before I could stop him. And I was a good hacker too.
I took a deep breath and walked into the class, burning stares trying to drown me in embarrassment. My eyes caught a dark pair and I looked away, a blush forming on my cheeks. Just realised that my chances of dating him were lower than ever. I sat on my feet in my chair, resting my bottom on my heels. What? Helps me think!
I swear, he went from cute to perfect. Yes, I was gay. And I had been hiding in the closet for years. Why? I was always voted most popular, most athletic, best dressed, most likely to succeed, and a bunch of other awards that I wasn't too keen on losing. I'd moved to this school last year, and I'd been at the top since. As a senior, this was my last year to stay hidden. But Dustian was a junior, which meant he'd have to keep this humiliation for at least another year. The thought alone hurt.
He was small, but in a cute way. He kept his light brown hair swept to the right, his bangs always blocking his shining blue eyes. His smile could make a person's heart skip a beat, even if they weren't gay. He leaned forward a little, a frown of concentration displaying itself. Of course, with the way he sat, that meant I had a nice view of his bubbly, rounded a-Shut up! Do not get a boner in class!
After a while he sat back down, giving me a chance to lower the tent in my pants. The bell rang and I quickly stood, straightening my pants out to stall for what I was about to do. Yes, even I, the kid with perfect grades, perfect looks, and perfectly wealthy parents, was scared of asking someone out.
Sighing one last time, I stepped outside, following his steps down the hall. I had a free period right now, so I dropped my bag at my locker and kept going, waiting for him to reach his own. It didn't take long and he opened it, swapping out his books quickly and efficiently, like he was on autopilot.
Walking up behind him, I cleared my throat and he froze. "Fuck off guys. I'm not in the mood." He said while slamming his locker. If it were anyone else, I would have ignored it, saying it was just a bad day, but for someone who I knew was submissive? Hell. No.
I turned around and felt my heart leap into my throat. Devon. Dear God, why am I an idiot? I expected him to be hurt, pissed, SOMETHING, but he just stood there, hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. Not a normal smirk though. I could feel waves of anger hiding just barely below the surface, and forgive my gayness, but it made him hot as fuck.
He was roughly four or five inches taller than me, with dark black hair and stormy gray eyes that had silver specks speckled across them. And despite his posture looking completely relaxed, there was an aura of anger and dominance that almost forced me to my knees surrounding him.
"I-im s-s-sorry D-Devon! D-didn't m-mean i-" I had been interrupted by his finger pressing to my lips, the universal sign for shush.
"Should you talk like that to people?" He asked quietly, leaning closer. My face was burning as I shook my head, leaning back into the locker nervously. He kept getting closer, until his breath was tingling my lips. "3:17. Call me then. Otherwise your punishment will be worse." He said, and I think my stomach imploded.
"P-pu-punishment?" I stuttered out nervously, my brain swimming with perverted thoughts that would make a succubus blush.
He smirked again and leaned into my ear, his voice lowering to a whisper. "And you should be careful about yelling. Someone might decide to make you scream~" And then he was gone, leaving me in a flustered mess that was receiving odd looks from the other students around me. Then the realisation sank in.
Devon Rancher, the most popular, best looking, and richest boy in school, had just asked me out. The thought made my stomach more queasy then ever.

My Dirty Mind (It's back!!!)
General FictionSo, for completely unknown reasons, my previous dirty mind was deleted. I've gone over the guidelines, and so far the only two that could possibly cause it to be deleted are the age of consent (I doubt I had a character under sixteen, but it's possi...