War of Sizes

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     The next day, I decided I should go see Lowee's Goddess. I wanted to apologize for busting her defense robot. I thought it was just some malfunctioning hunk of junk but I guess I was wrong. Once I arrived at the Basilicom, people seemed to recognize me for some reason. Maybe they heard about how I destroyed the robot? It doesn't matter right now. There didn't seem to be an elevator here. The whole building was one floor, I suppose. I looked around until I felt something tap my back. I turned but there was nothing there.

-"Huh? Did I imagine that?" I thought, one eyebrow raised.

     I kept walking until I felt something hit the top of my head and fall in front of me. A ball? I looked around but still couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

-"Who's there? Come on out." I said calmly.

     I suddenly felt a bucket fall on my head, obstructing my view. What followed was a force falling on top of the bucket. Someone had just kicked the bucket down onto my head? I pulled it off my head and was met with two small girls who looked humored.

 Someone had just kicked the bucket down onto my head? I pulled it off my head and was met with two small girls who looked humored

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-"Haha! Got ya! Did you see that, Rom?" The girl with long hair said.

-"That was funny, Ram!" The one called Rom said.

     A prank I imagine...fantastic. I regained my composure and spoke.

-"Girls, I don't think you should be going around smashing buckets on people's heads. You could hurt them, you know? Besides, who are you?" I asked.

-"I'm Ram!" Ram said, full of energy.

-"I-I'm Rom. Nice to meet you strong mister." Rom said in her soft voice.


-"Huh? 'strong mister'? Do you know me?" I asked.

-"Uh-huh, Blanc told us all about you! She looked really interested too!" Ram said.

     Right, Blanc. That was her name. Interested by what though? I felt Rom tug at my sleeve.

-"Strong mister?" Rom asked.

     I went on one knee to be at her eye level.

-"Yes, sweetie?" I asked nicely.

-"What's your name? I heard you're a hero but I don't know your name." She asked.

     Man, something about this girl is so pure and innocent. I can see it in her eyes. She eagerly awaits my response.

-"I'm Sai." I said, smiling.

     I stood up and ran my hand through Rom's hair. As soon as I let go however, I felt someone cling onto my back...Ram.

-"Hey, Sai! You're totally awesome! I heard you defeated a super strong monster in one punch! Is that true? Tell me, tell me!" Ram said, clinging to my back.

Punch Through Dimensions! (HDN Harem x OPM Writer)Where stories live. Discover now