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It was night and the air was a little crisp. Sanji standing on the deck looks up as he exhales some smoke. He hears the door to the men's quarters open. Thinking it might be Zoro Sanji flinches. It had been three weeks since everyone learned Zoro was seven weeks pregnant. He turns to see Luffy. How rare of him to come out during the night when it's not his turn for night watch. He probably wants a midnight snack or something. He was about to make a joke but Luffy's face said it wasn't the time to be joking. 

Luffy jumps on the railing and sits next to where Sanji stood. "Sanji, what problem do you have against Zoro?"

"This situation is not normal."

"Mmmmmm..." Luffy thought for a second. "Do you know why our team gets along and works so well together?" Luffy turned to the right looking at Sanji, he just stares back. "It's because we're not normal that we work. Brook, a walking, talking, skeleton who has lost his shadow , uses a cane with a hidden sword in it to fight and loves music. Franky, a blue haired cyborg that can build anything and repair anything in seconds. Robin, the last archaeologist of Ohara and has been wanted since she was a child who can also read poneglyphs, she can multiply any body part of her's on any surface she can see. Chopper, a human reindeer with seven other forms and our doctor. Then there's you, a cook who only fights with his legs. Nami, a thief since childhood, who became the navigator for pirates. Zoro, a green haired swordsman who uses three swords and is now pregnant." Luffy stands up and looks down at Sanji. He points to himself . "And me, a pirate captain, made out of rubber and can't swim." He sits back down and looks far into the endless sea. "Sanji if you want normal then maybe on the next island you should get off and head back to the Baratie." Sanji looks at Luffy to see a saddened face. Luffy is actually kicking him out, the captain who went to war with the world government just to get a friend back.

"This is impossible, a man getting pregnant is impossible." Luffy laughs at Sanji's statement. Sanji looks at the crazy man.

"Four pirates," Luffy shows Sanji four fingers, "fought and won against a fishman pirate group who kind of enslaved a small town." He put his hand down. "A group of pirates crossed a desert to help a friend beat a man made of sand, to get her country back. That same group of pirates went to an island in the sky, fought a god and came back safely. We fought against the world government to get Robin back and successfully brought her and Franky back. Going Merry came back from the dead to save us where we saw her die again but that time said bye. Fought a man who took our shadows away and stuck it into zombies and we got them all back. Even defeated a giant monster and one of the shichibukai. Punched a Celestial Dragon and got away. Fought a whole fishman army. And fought another shichibukai. And ran away from Big Mom. But what made all that possible was that we had help and we believed in our friends." Sanji looked down. "I was shocked too but if Chopper said he's pregnant then he is and as his friend I want to be there when he needs help since he's been there for us. Make up with him." Luffy turns 180 degrees and jumps off the rail on the deck. Waving bye to Sanji as he heads back into the men's quarter.

*Flashback ends*

Sanji looks out the kitchen window down to Zoro who was sleeping on the floor. Not noticing Nami coming in he continues to stare. Nami walks up to him calling his name but didn't get a response. "Sanji!" Nami yells in his ear. Sanji jumps from fright and turns to her quickly.

"Nami-swan do you need something?" Sanji asks walking back to the stove smiling. Nami sits at the bar.

"I heard your talk with Luffy well I heard Luffy's talk with you. It's been a week already." Sanji continued to cook. "You know he's right." Sanji flinches. "I don't know why you're mad but at least talk to Zoro. Do you want to miss out on the process of your child being born?" Sanji laid the knife down and held onto the counter with both hands letting out a loud sigh. 'So it really is mine' Sanji thought. Nami let out a sigh too, "Sanji it's not like Luffy told you to date him, just become friends and cook some food for the poor guy. Zoro's been eating whatever Luffy has been cooking, Zoro even seems to enjoying it but that could be thanks to the baby. At this rate the baby would rather eat anything Luffy makes than it's own father." Nami got up and left the kitchen leaving Sanji to think alone. Nami was always right but for her to tell him that even Luffy was right, one impossible thing happens right after the other.

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