Morning After

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It's the morning after the babies are born and everyone, surprisingly enough, are awake a full of energy. Sanji walks into the kitchen to see everyone discussing the babies.

"Why did Zoro freak out about your first box?" Usopp asks. The girls look at each other.

"It happened when Sanji wasn't talking to Zoro, we took him out to talk and have fun." Nami started.

"We went to a baby store to help calm him down after telling us he was scared and he saw this baby onesie that had something funny written on it."

"What did it say?" Usopp wonders. The girls look at each other and giggle.

"Mommas boy," the girls said at the same time. Everyone urupts in laughter.

"Where's Chopper," Usopp looks around wiping his tears.

"Sleeping with Zoro," Sanji turns the stove on and sets a pot on top the fire.


"To make sure Zoro and the babies are safe. Remember the due date isn't for another month. He has to make sure they are safe."

"Right, I thought they would be late." Sanji fixed up breakfast for the crew. They were as lively as always. He set the table and immediately Luffy digs in. Sanji sets some for the three of them, (Zoro, Chopper and himself) and walks down to Zoro room. He opened the door and heard Chopper talking, they were awake. He closes the door and almost drops the food to the ground.

Zoro sat there with his shirt off breastfeeding one of them? Chopper and Zoro look at him as he composes himself. He sets down the tray over Zoro legs. There were sausages, eggs, and french toast. Chopper and Zoro say their thanks and dig in. In between bites Chopper continues to talk to Zoro but Sanji isn't paying attention to what the little reindeer is saying, he's to focused on Zoro.

"What?" Zoro asks looking at Sanji. Chopper takes the baby from Zoro's arms and gives him the next baby.

"Nothing, just call me if you want more." Sanji gets up and opens the door to find everyone there. "What are you guys doing?"

"We came to see the babies." The group walks in the room to Zoro breastfeeding one of the triplets. Everyone stops and stares.

"What?" Zoro asks as he took a bite of the sausage. One thing the crew was not expecting to see is Zoro breastfeeding, they didn't even think he could.

"I didn't know you could breastfeed," Nami says.

"I talked to Agnes about it, I didn't think it was possible either but here we are." Chopper burbs the one that was just being fed when Sanji walked in.

"So are the babies safe? That is why you were sleeping here last night." Sanji asks.

"They're fine. Nothings wrong but Zoro should rest." The baby in Chopper's hoofs burbs throwing up a little. Zoro hands him a cloth towel.

"Does that mean we can't look at the babies?" Usopp asks, everyone gets sad. Chopper puts the baby in her crib.

"We are trying to put them to sleep. They were lively last night." Zoro said handing Chopper the baby he finished breastfeeding. He grabs the shirt he was waring and puts it back on. Everyone aws and walks out the room Sanji included, with the tray of plates.

"Don't forget what I told you, I'll check in with you later, now get some rest." Chopper says as he tucks Zoro into bed. Zoro laid there in silence, not completely, he could hear the babies moving in their cribs and he could hear their soft breathing. Zoro didn't know if keeping the babies was the right thing to do but he is happy. A gift of happiness and sorrow, so far it has been happiness. He and Sanji have gotten closer together, extremely close compared to how they were before. He couldn't wait for what was to come.

Zoro opened his eyes to a dark room. He wondered how long he slept for. He looked around the room and notices the lack of babies. At first he felt fear but then he calmed down, Chopper or Sanji could have gotten them and brought them on deck. Zoro moves off the bed, slowly he stands up, his legs wobbling with each step he took. His body hasn't recovered yet but *growl* he's hungry. He walks around the kitchen and hears everyone talking. He takes a step down the stairs then sits down observing everyone as they entertain the children. Nami and Robin have one child in their arms and the third baby is held by Chopper.

All three babies have a slight tan to their skin. They all have big eyes and soft blump cheeks. The boys were put into their 'mammas boy' onesie while Kuina has a white onesie that says 'daddy's girl' on the chest. Nami seemed invested in Kuina while Robin seemed to take a liking to one of the boys. Both of the girls put their hair in a bun. Usopp got close to Kuina and she grabs his nose. Usopp tries to get her to let go but her grib is strong.

"Ow, Kuina you're hurting me," Usopp  says. He tries to free himself again. Nami just smiles.

"I said to WAIT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" Sanji yells as the door to the kitchen is opened and Luffy is kicked out landing in front of the group. Zoro ignores them and continues to look at the triplets.

"But Sanji I'm hungry and the babies are no fun," Luffy wined as he sits up.

"Not my problem, do that again and I won't feed you un- Zoro?" Sanji notices the green hair of the swordsman. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?" The crew look up at Zoro and Zoro notices Sanji standing next to him. He looks up.

"I was, I woke up and decided to check on everyone also-" Zoro gets interupted by the growl of his stomach. "That's why, I wanted to see what's for lunch- dinner," Zoro corected himself.

"I'm almost done," Sanji says Zoro turns his head back to the group who have continued to look at Usopp trying to free his nose. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Sanji asks. Zoro glances at him, it must be important with that serious exprecion.

"Sure." Zoro stands up holding on to the rail. He wobbles a little, about to fall but Sanji saves him. Sanji helps Zoro walk to the kitchen and gets him seated. Sanji tries to find the words as he continues to cook. Abruptly he turns around and stares at Zoro intensely. Zoro gulps.

"Can I sleep in the same room as the babies?" Sanji blushes a little, embarrassed by the question he himself asked.

"Sure, if you ask Franky I'm sure he can put a crib in the men's quarters big enough for the three babies."

"No, I mean in your room. All five of us. I wanted to last night but Chopper beat me," Sanji turns back around not showing the marimo his face.

"I don't mind but are you sure?" Zoro asks and Sanji just nods back. "Ok," Sanji did say he wanted to be involved but he didn't know this invovled. Zoro thought he would take care of the babies once in awhile, maybe change a diaper here and there. Sanji wanted to be close to Zoro, he thought he lost the green hair idiot and that frightened him. He wanted, no he needed to be close to him, to feel him, to smell him and to wake up next to him.

Nami and Robin did not put the babies down, they became attached. Even when eating they did not let go but they had to when the babies got fussy. No one was shocked seeing Zoro half naked, it wasn't a rare sight but they couldn't help but stare at him as he breastfed the babies.

"It's hard to eat with all of you staring," Zoro says as he chops on a piece of meat.

"It's just weird to see you breastfed."

"Then you're going to have to get use to it. I'll be breastfeeding them for about a year maybe two."

"Wow that long?" Every one agreed. It seemed like a long time but so did the pregnancy and that went by fairly quickly. Sanji stares extremely intensely at the breastfeeding swordsman. He didn't know if it was just him or not but the swordsman seemed to have gotten sexier.

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