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"We need the witches now!" I stormed into Damon's bedroom not caring that he and Jade were 'talking'. The whole castle could hear them fücking and they still called it talking. 

"What happened?" Damon angled his body so that it covered Jade's and she quickly pulled a shirt over her frame before kneeling behind him. 

"The Cycra pack. Same result as La Lune Montante." I said grimly, remembering the news that the wolves had brought, bloody and unhealed wounds. "They were attacked with weapons."

Weapons got Damon's attention. Wolves never used weapons. It was unheard of.

"And you need the witches why?" Jade asked and I shoved the book into her hands

"There has to be a pattern. I can't see and we need fresh eyes on it." 

"Покажи мне свои секреты." she said stroking the book, a new light coming into her eyes. "Приветствовать." she said as the figures materialised back in front of us. 

I felt as the rest of the alphas crowded behind me and we all made our way into the room, allowing Jade to take the lead. 

"The attacks." she stated

They will attack all around until they come to Tatiana. All around a circle. You must look from above

"Why aren't they coming straight to us?" she asked

They want you to fear them. Where is Anastasia?

"She's finding something out." Jade said vaguely

You should not be summoning without your witch. Especially in your state.

"My state?" she glared at them

The child you carry will weaken. The child will not grow to full potential if you are not at full charge. 

"The what?" her jaw tightened and we looked at Damon in confusion, who was staring at Jade an indecipherable look on his face.

Child. You didn't know?

"I can't be pregnant." Jade looked as if she was holding tears back

Do not be selfish about this. The King's inner circle cannot have children until you conceive and give forth life.

"What?" Jade looked back at the rest of us and the grim looks on our faces confirmed it, "No. I'm still a kid." 

Did that stop you from giving yourself away more than once?

"I can't be a mother." Jade continued, "Hell my mother was pretty non-existent for most of my life." 

I know my love and I'm sorry. 

We watched as a new a witch stepped forward, the exact replica of Jade except blue eyes were in place of Jade's stormy eyes. 

"Momma?" Jade asked and the tears she tried to hide, started to flow out

My love. You look beautiful

"How?" she struggled with her words, sitting back onto the bed suddenly, her hand gripping tightly onto the sheets. 

I looked with disgust at Damon, who was just standing there. Not even trying to help his mate. Comfort her. 

I've been watching love. Everything. You would be a wonderful mother whether you realise it or not. 

"You can't just come here, when I never called you." Jade cried, "I called you so many times and you never came. Liam called you and you never came. Where were you?" 

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