Once Upon this Moment

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As the days came and went, life in Konohagakure was fairly normal, except for this moment as we can find our favorite blond out with his Mother, Tsunade, Shizune are shopping for the babies, while Minato, Kakashi and Rin begin looking for Obito, as they want to try find and save him, with all the information and supposed locations for him, since everything naruto mapped out looks the same.

(with Naruto and the ladies)

We can find him, with his brand new daughter, Kin, in his arms cooing at her new daddy, while the girls are watching and playing with Karin and Tayuya, walking down the street to meet up with the other mothers for a lunch day and to chat about everything.

Meeting at this little cafe place near the Hokage Tower, "it's such a lovely day today" Shizune said holding TonTon who oinked in agreement, as Kushina and Tsunade are having there own dicussion,"i think you are right Zune-chan, such a lovely day" Naruto said to her a giving her a goofy smile, to which she smiled back and blushed a bit.

It's no secret that she has a major crush on him, and to see him interact with Kin, make all the more desirable, as we see the female population of the village ogle him with whispers and..drooling, while Shizune is giving them death glares, all the while Naruto just smiles.

As he know, he will forced to apart of the CRA, so he is not worried about that stuff, plus he'll talking to Tsunade about becoming a part of the Senju clan as he has her blood in him and is thinking of having her adopt him and Kin which he knows she will love it.

The only thing is his Mother will feel weird about it but he'll talk to them both before they get there "Kaa-chan, Tsunade, i have to ask you both something?" he said snapping everyone from there thoughts, "because i have Senju blood in me and Kin, i was wondering if you would like to adopt me and kin as a son and granddaughter, Tsunade?" he asked making the group stop and look at him.

"What's going on Naruto?" Kushina asked shocked by what he said, sighing he walks over to her kissing her cheek, "you know i love you and you will always be my mother, but this village deep down will always have mixed feeling about me, and will never fully accept that, im simply making sure Kin is kept safe, by making her the clan heir to the Senju, while Karin and Tayuya are the clan heirs to the Uzumaki and Namikaze they are protected and safe," he told them being met with silence for a moment as everyone was shocked by this.

But deep down knew that he was right, about this village. Without speaking Kushina came up and hugged him "i know what your saying and doing, it just hurts me as a mother because i don't like hearing that, and even though i didn't birth you, it hurts my heart hearing that you say that because, your my sochii and i love you so much, you gave me and your father our lives, you saved your sisters from the fate you had to go through and your a wonderful son, brother and an amazing father, i couldn't be more proud of you if you tried" she told with smile while she was trying to bite back tears, hugging him.

While the other two watched with smiles. "When Tsunade spoke up, "i would be honored to have you as my son Naruto, and i get a beautiful granddaughter as well, you couldn't make me any happier" she told him with a genuine smile, as naruto broke from Kushina and went to hug Tsunade, who happily took it.

After all that was done they headed off to there little get together.

(with Minato)

In the tower, Minato along with Jiraya, Kakashi and Rin were looking over the information given by Naruto.

"Do you think this stuff is accurate or even reliable Minato-Sensei?" Kakashi asked "yes i do, i believe naruto's intentions, because he hasn't shown anything to the contrary, plus call it fatherly intuition" he replied, "so what's the plan Minato-Sensei?" Rin asked wanting to get back her dobe, "we scout it out for a bit, make sure he is there and try to get him back, caise naruto has had experience with this well have him tag along as he is well versed here" he said getting nods "who else do you want going?" Jiraya asked, "Gai and Genma, that will round out the team, we cant be to careful" he told finishing up the meeting.

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