A Timeline In Trouble

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The four arrived in Kumi no Hi around noon and booked into there hotel, with a king sizes bed, the ideas..

Well Naruto snapped them out of there lust filled fantasy for the moment,"lets go explore my ladies," he said to his new brides and they did, setting foot outside, and began window shopping, the three were like sisters each locking there arms together and talking and laughing, while walked behind them smiling, but kept taking glances to see the people looking at him and whispering.

"Is that Naruto-kun"

"Our hero has returned"

"He is sooo cute"

These were some of things he heard, as well as giggling, and seeing they had looks of lust and desire which did not go unnoticed by his brides as they stopped when they heard the giggling, they looked behind to see there husbands eye brow arches in annoyance, but decided to have fun with it,"oh Naruto-kun, what is going on?" they all asked in a sweet sickly tone, making him shiver,"u-um well you see, i saved wave last year and u-um discovered i have a f-fanbase h-here," he told them choosing his word carefully, gulping at the scary looks he was being given, Anko was grinning maniacally, while Shizune had her eyes closed but had a black aura, and Mei had an oni mask behind her as right eye glowed a soft green.

He was terrified, but moved quickly, by kissing the three on the lips which seemed to calm them and they went on there way, knowing what he needed to do, me made a sealless clone and haf him get them each a gift he know they would love.

After spending the day shopping around while he had his hands full with there shopping bags, they stopped off for lunch where they had a VIP spot for him, once he seated his wives he seated himself,"so Naruto-kun you never did talk about saving Wave, what happened?" Mei askes him getting the other two curious, he then went on to explain what had happened, how he saved Kaizer from execution, helped rebuild the town, how he met little Kin and her parents, and finally the elimination of Gato and his business here, the three we entranced by his story but were angry about little Kin's sad story, the thought of hurting a child was unforgivable, the three love her as there own child, but once the story ended they ate, he then told them of other stories, which they loved hearing him talk, they especially loved hearing how he saved how he helped save his mother and father, returning the biju to there dimension and how he saved the village from civil war by exposing the traitorous Danzo and managing to win the hearts of the little girls of the village like Hana Inuzuka, Satsuki Uchiha and others (the three giggled and laughed at his embarrassed expression).

Finishing up lunch the four headed out back to there hotel, when they heard yelling, making there way over they saw a group of samurai and a drunk with salt n pepper hair, arguing, Naruto took a closer look and saw a man and women with a new born, he recognized as Tazuna, Kaizer, Tsumani and little Inari he motioned for the three to follow, summoning a clone to take the bags to the room as his boss made his way to the scene.

"Look here old man were taking over this dump, you can't stop us, now boys," the leader said as they drew there weapons they made to attack the old man and his son in law but were stopped by a bo staff, the person holding the bo staff was some one they all knew of, gaining smiles on there faces,"hey old man been awhile, seems like your in a bit of a situation here," Naruto said turning to the with a smile, then with his staff disarmed and disabled them, looking at the boss his smile turned to a frown his eyes now glowing,"you have one full day to leave of you will suffer the same fate as Gato," he told them in a calm cold yet angry voice, the leader not wanting to show weakness thought it over and found Tsunami wanting to kill her and the baby to demoralize and make his escape in ensuing chaos,  before the others could react, his blade was coming down on her fast, in horror she closed her eye and tried to shield her baby, but the pain never came, instead Naruto stood protectively in front of her, holding a chakra blade out blocking the sword.

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