A Moment in Time

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Six months had passed since Amegakure, Nagato had been made the new leader by majority rule, and the Akatsuki was over, with the original members taking there places in the new government and had become allies with Konoha along with Suna, Kiri, Kumi no Hi and Taki, life settled down for everyone, but word had it that Danzo had reappeared and was in talks with Iwa and several other villages, he goal was unknown but precautions were taken because of it and it had become a game of wait.

But today was a day of celebration as it was October 10th and the Village of Konoha was getting into the festivites for not only the defeat of the Kyuubi but the births of the Uzumaki-Namikaze children, Naruto turning 16 while Kin, Karin and Tayuya were turning 1.

Naruto was outside of the Kage Mansion enjoying the day, once a upon a time this day gave him great dread and for a while in this world he was still feeling that but forced himself to work thru it as this was different, he had effectively changed it by saving his parents saving his sisters from the fate of 'Jinchuuriki' and united the village in the meantime, he was content, but was taken out of his musing, hearing babbling behind him, his smile widen when he saw this three little jewels slowly walking to him, giggling with happy faces, behind them were his parents, Tsuande, Shizune and Anko, watching, he sat down on the ground and three came up too him, talking to him and laughing, while Karin's glasses kept slipping off, he fixed them again putting a band on them to stay put, but was tackled by the girls after and they crawled all over him slightly yelling for help, getting more laughing.

Kushina, was loving the sight, her babies were playing and loved each other, her face was lit up with joy, as was Minato but he was video tapping it all, Tsuande just enjoyed having a family to love, even with loosing, Nawaki and Dan, she had Shizune, Kin and Naruto and Shizune and Anko were blushing at this cause they couldn't wait to start there family.

"It seems like only yesterday were about to lose our lives and our girls become Jinchuuriki, now here we are celebrating there first birthdays, all because of Naru-chan," Kushina said holding her hands to her heart, the others nodding,"Naruto-kun has changed all our lives and for the better, because of him i have a son and grand daughter to love, besides My Shizune, and i couldn't be more thankful for that," Tsuande said with a genuine smile.

They were interrupted by Naruto coming up to them with Karin in one arm, Tayuya in the other while Kin was on his head her head resting on top, all four looking at the group with big puppy eyes, it was too much for the ladies as they squealed in delight as Minato snapped a photo of them as the women took the girls off Naruto,"well time to get ready for the celebration," Minato said with a smile.
They all got ready and headed out to see booths with food, games, prizes and other things, the lights, the music the life on the streets was amazing, soon they met up with the clan heads and there families along with The Civilian heads and there familes, enjoying themselves they headed to Akamichi's B-B-Q and enjoyed there time soon were joined by the Jiraya And Orochimaru along with the newly made jonin,"i would like to propose a toast to our friends and families, the future of the Villages and to Naruto without him this would be a much different place," Minato said getting cheers soon they ate and drank and made merry with Naruto mainly sitting with the children, for they all adored him, much to the amusement of Itachi, Asuma, Kakashi the others,"so Naruto-kun how does it feel to be the most popular among the children," Kaurenai said to him cheekily to him making his eye twich but chuckle,"it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it," he said making everyone laugh, but soon he looked at the kids,"wanna hear a story?" he asked them getting aggressive nods,"yes pwease, Nawu-chan," Hana said using the puppy eyes making Tsume snort,"never fails specially with Naruto-kun," she said.

"Once upon a time, there was a man who had immense power, he could control any element he wanted" he said to them as he began manipulating the elements, like fire dancing across his fingers then lightning moving all over his arms, to Ice crystals shooting out of his mouth into the air dancing around the children who stared in awe,"the man was strong and intense, his gaze was like looking into the moon, but they were kind and caring, he was created to be an instrument of war, but made the choice to protect that which was precious to him, for he had heard from someone a long time ago, that the key to true strength, taking that to heart became a guardian, but there was a great war, and he did what he could but he lost those precious people, and so afterwards was left alone as a penance for his failure and wander the world alone, left with the memories and pain....one day he discovered that he could leave his world and start over, but in order to do so he had to sacrifice something, he chose his immortality, and so when it was done, the man arrived in a forest much like ours and new he had been given a second chance and would do everything to protect this life," he finished his story, for awhile every one was silent then it dawned on the adults,"that man was you, wasn't it Naru-chan?" Mikoto asked him he looked at her with a sad smile,"i stopped feeling like a was a human when i was 15 years old, and over a 150 years after that i was left to pay for my sins, coming here is my Second Chance and i have everything i can to make sure your world didn't suffer the horrors mine did," he said to them but the children were confused no understanding, but the Adults and Teens did.

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