An Unexpected Defeat

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The two raced back to Konoha, Naruto. And Menma were neck and neck trying to out do each other with the hopes to reach the gates before the other.

Menma was smirking all the possibilities and scenes he could re-create with certain people, so lost in thought never feeling the hand on his shoulder.

Naruto had; had enough he was not going to let this evil bastard make it in inside, he knew what he was capable of and had too end it, using his speed and strength grabbing Menma shoulder stopping violently and jerking him and throwing him back quite a ways, Menma's body skipping along the dirt road finally hitting a tree.

Naruto stopped in front of the big red gates of Konoha standing there defensively, waiting for the fight to begin again.

The Leaf shinobi felt the killing intent and raced to the gates to see Naruto looking ahead to see a tree surrounded by dirt in the air as all eyes were at the front.

Minato, Kushina and the Sennin had also appeared along with the clans and there shinobi, the war for the Leaf was about to begin.

Suddenly the tree exploded and saw a black and red blur appear in front of Naruto, they were shocked it looked just like him but with black hair and red eyes spinning, he growled in his throat.

"You got lucky you piece of crap, il kill you and have my fun with this village," Menma yelled.

Naruto narrowed his eyes," no i'm gonna erase you from exsistence, there will be no escape for you this time Namikaze," Naruto said.

The villagers behind watched with horror etched on there faces, this boy was a Namikaze but wanted to destroy the village.

Menma looked up too see old faces and smirked when he saw Mikoto and his parents.

"Oh yes so much fun...hello Mikoto-chan, " he said licking his lips.

Mikoto turned away in disgust, Fugaku's Sharingan began spinning with anger. The others were disturbed by his attitude and all were happy and greatful they got Naruto instead.

Naruto's killing intent flared st Menma so much it had a physical state glowing, "so much talk for a little bitch who beats women and murders children, is your dick that small?" Natuto taunted.

This got under Menma skin, he was not gonna stand for this..


Black smoke appeared, making everyone tense up and they saw it, the nine-tails, fear set in as they saw the evil grin of the fox looking down on them, with Menma luaghing.

"Not so funny now, i am the only Jinchuuriki here and now you die," Menma screamed out.

"Fox kill them now," he sneered at the shinobi.

As the fox began to move, Naruto shot up into the air and kicked the nose of the nine-tails sending him flying away making him crash into the forest.

The crowd looked on in shock at this, then it hit several villagers making them go pale, when the civilians attacked him he could have retaliated at anytime and they would have been powerless to stop him.

"You maybe the last Jinchuuriki here but i am something much more..i just wished no one had to see me like this," he said somberly.

He then began to change, growing ten tails sprouting out of his tail bone his skin becoming scales with shades of black and purple, horns growing out of his head his eye going from electric blue to blood red with yellow slits, bat looking wings sprouting out of his back and a tail with a large spiked sail fin coming out of his spine he rose to the height greater then that of the Nine-tails itself by a couple feet.

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