Happy B-Day!!

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Skyla: So I just wanted you guys to know, today's my birthday! August 5! I'M SO EXCITED!!

Travis: She's turning thirteen....

Mark: So the dexholders and us wrote a little one-shot birthday special for her. And btw, if the video doesn't work just go to YouTube and search up Precious Wing OP from Moe Novel.

Red: Apparently she thought it was so good, she decided to upload it.

Yellow: We also thought of ship names for Sky, Travis, and Cypress!

Skyla: Wait, WHAT!? Since when did you guys--

Blue: Since Travis is a computer master, and Sky loves to write, and they both want to play the piano, we decided on Keyboardshipping!

Travis: Now hold on, since when did we say--

Green: And since the first time Sky and Cypress met was on a very high rooftop battle, we are going to call it Altitudematchshipping!

Skyla: ......I HATE YOU GUYS!! *Runs away*

Ruby: What? I thought she'd be happy!

Mark: *Sighs* You made her upset because she based Travis off a friend in real life whom she may or may not like. Her friends also tease her about it and have made up two ship names for them.

Travis: 0//////0

Sapphire: Whoops....all the girls will go comfort her. You boys start the story!


Dia: Hey, I wonder what this button does?

Bkack: No, don't touch it! Or else we're going to--


(A/N: This has nothing to do with the actual story line. Just pretend that they're in a magical worod where anything can happen, except for one thing: flying) Skyla stretched her arms as she sat up in bed. Yawning, she slipped on a pair of fluffy blue slippers and took a peek in the mirror. The reflection staring back at her had messy hair, rumpled pajamas, and sleepy eyes. She let out a giggle and and hurried to change into her usual outfit after washing up.

Today's my birthday. I'm gonna have so much fun! she thought. The door to the hallway opened in sync with the door across from it. Sky looked up to see her best friend Travis staring back at her, dressed for the day and smiling. "What's up, birthday girl?" he asked, leaning against the door frame. "It's only seven o' clock in the morning. I doubt there's much going on this early," Skyla said, rolling her eyes.

"You have a point," Travis conceded. "Hey, is Mark up yet?" Skyla asked. "Nope, he's still in bed, snoring like a pig," Travis answered, jerking his thumb back in his room. (A/N: Did I forget to mention that Travis and Mark share a room? No? All right) Sky stifled a laugh as she peeked into the room, where she saw her brother sprawled out on the bottom bunk. "Out like a baby," she muttered.

Her eyes roamed around the room, finding something of particular interest. "Hey, what's that?" she asked. Travis let out a yelp as he followed her gaze. "You weren't supposed to see that!" he said, slamming the door shut behind him and shoving Sky back into the corridor. However, he shoved a little too hard, sending them both tumbling down to the floor. Skyla was flat on her back, her eyes closed. When she opened them, Travis lay on top of her, pinning down her arms, legs and waist.

Her first reaction: shock. His face was incredibly red, and she could also feel her cheeks heating up. She quickly sat up, and he did the same. However, he was still sitting on her legs, so Travis put his arms around her waist to steady her. Unfortunately, Mark just chose that moment to come out the door.

"Hey, Travis, if you're out there-- WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO MY SISTER?!"  Skyla immediately sprang up, grabbed Travis by the arm and promptly rushed out.

Both laughing, both blushing, they raced across campus and into town, finally collapsing on a grassy hill near the edge of a forest. They stared up at the sky, watching the clouds lazily float across the endless blue sea. "Hey, maybe you'll get your wish today," Travis said, finally breaking the silence.  "No, I don't think so," Skyla sighed. "It's just not possible." "How hard can it be? You're the one who has the most faith in magic," Travis argued.

Sky didn't answer. She was too busy dreaming about her greatest wish: to soar through the air, flying through clouds and surfing the sky. "When I fly, I feel free," she murmured, quoting a line she'd read in a mythology book. "And you will fly," Travis said firmly. "No arguements. Now let's get back. Mark is probably crazy worried about you."

They started back to the school. When they arrived, however, Skyla's brother was nowhere in sight. "Where'd he go?" Skyla asked. "Don't worry, Sky," Travis reassured her. "He's fine." "Never been better," came a voice from behind them, and there was Mark. "Mark!" Sky exclaimed in relief, running up to him and throwing her arms around his neck. "Don't ever do that again. You scared me!" she scolded him.

"Sorry, little sis," Mark apologized, grinning sheepishly. "But Travis and I wanted things to be perfect." "For what?" Skyla asked. Mark whipped out a small box, carefully wrapped in blue-and-white striped paper with a silver bow. Skyla gasped. It was the thing that had kept hidden from her earlier. With trembling hands, Sky gently pulled off the bow and giftwrap, exposing a white satin box. She opened it, and nestled on velvet cushion was a necklace.

The delicate gold chain shone in the sunlight, while attached was an opal charm in the shape of a wing. Mark slipped the neklace onto Skyla, all the while her eyes glowed with happiness. She kissed bith Mark and Travis on the cheek, while squealing her thanks. "I finally feel free," Sky declared, knowing nothing else could make up for the day.

Then, her body started to glow. "What's happening?" Skyla cried out in alarm. Two outlines were shaped on her back, growing solid with each second. "Don't worry, just go along," Mark promised. As the glow faded, Skyla opened her eyes and took a peek at her back.

She let out a gasp. A full set of feathery, pure white wings rested on her backside. She experimented opening and closing them, giving a little flutter and flap. She glanced hopefully at Travis and Mark. "Go on," said Travis softly.

Skyla took to the skies, flying with the largest smile on her face, as she felt freedom regaining her senses at last.


Black: W-What just happened?

Skyla: The story started automatically when you pushed the button.

Barry: Sky! Ya feeling better?

Skyla: Yeah, I guess.

Dia: But I still don't see what the big deal about ship names is...

Misty: Since she based Travis off her friend, it would be like actually shipping real-life Sky and her crush.

Skyla: Now that I think about it, this story was actually kind of crappy....

Pearl: Yeah, but you based it off a game, right?

Skyla: My greatest wish is to actually fly. I feel trapped, and flying is when I can free myself from the madness I've already tried to ecpae from.

May: Like Kotori Habane, one of the main characters from IMH.

Pearl: Readers, go check it out. It's really cool. Produced by Moe Novel. Anyways, we really wanna get this wrapped up, so...


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