Chapter 2:6

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It was well into the day when George (who had been minding his own business, it should be known), noticed Fred standing by their bedroom window, preparing to slip away under the cover of the invisibility cloak.

"Off to a luncheon?" George asked casually. "Bring us back one of those apples Dad's been raving about."

Fred didn't respond. He was peering intently at something in the garden. George joined him at the window.

"They're in the blind spot," Fred muttered with a look of mounting interest.


"Bill and Charlie. Whatever they're on about, they don't want anyone eavesdropping."

"So, would you say it's none of our business — or all of our business?"

"Shh, just come on."

Even from two floors above, the twins had difficulty hearing their brothers. They crouched beneath the cloak and stepped cautiously along the red roof until they were a short distance away.

" much more excitement than I even imagined," said Bill as Charlie eyed the shabby brown bag that was strapped across his older brother's chest. "Have you given any thought to joining me out there? With Shep around, it'd be like old times."

"Bill, you know Charms was never my strong suit. Have you forgotten? Our parents didn't make you skip the first two years."

"So, what then? Working with creatures?"

"I do like dragons."

"Hate to break the bad news... they've all been discovered."

"That's what they say, until a new one appears. The Congo is largely unexplored. There's all sorts of hiding places in the rainforest." Charlie sniffed. He kicked at the loose stones in the garden wall. "If I'm being frank... I'm in need of a new start. And I've only a year to work it out. Tragically, I've never felt more uncertain of who I was — what I'm meant to be doing. Hard to believe, isn't it?"

"There's no rush. Maybe you could take over Kettleburn's job whenever he hangs up his hat."

"Teaching? Are you mental?"

"Why not?"

"Even if I was cut out for such a life, that man will die before he gives up that job. And nothing has been able to kill him yet!"

The twins dared to shuffle a step closer, unaware that Fred's shoe and part of his right leg were now visible beyond the edge of the cloak. Bill made no indication that he detected them straight away. Rather, he turned his back to the house and raked his fingers unconcernedly through his unkempt red hair.

"Come to think of it... I heard they were looking for new handlers at the... Zoo of Magical Beasts..."

Bill whirled in place, firing off a spell across the garden. The cloak was ripped free and the twins flashed into sight. Charlie aimed his wand and Fred was yanked off the roof. He grabbed for George's leg but latched on to his shoe instead. The heel came off in Fred's hand and they both went toppling to the lawn.

"Thought I spotted one of my old shoes where it shouldn't have been," said Bill as his eyes turned to the cloak in the grass. He caught the shimmering fabric up in a wind spell and snatched it from the air. His hand disappeared from view.

"Aww... I needed that shoe," George complained from within a row of parsnips. He didn't need another reason to fail at walking. "Now I've only got the one."

Charlie advanced on them. "Blimey, you two are quite the pair."

Fred handed George the detached heel. "Sorry, brother."

"Forget the shoe," Bill demanded. "Where the bloody hell did you two get an invisibility cloak?"

"Tell us. We'll know if you're lying."

"Nicked it," said Fred proudly. "From Albus Dumbledore."

"Hang on, you've been to the headmaster's office?"

George got to his feet. He wobbled in place and wiped the dirt from his hands. "There's a statue guarding the door. A stone gargoyle."

Fred perked up. "We saw one o' them in person last year, did you know? Flew right over my head!"

"I'm aware. And don't change the subject," Bill handed the cloak back to them reluctantly. "Sneaking into Dumbledore's private chambers. Truthfully, I'm shocked you're alive to tell the tale."

"It was a simple password, really. Nothing a little trial and error couldn't solve," George concluded.

"Just need to know the man," Fred agreed.

Bill shook his head, looking pleasantly surprised. "We could use that sort of thinking in Egypt. The goblins don't know where to begin with some of those tombs. Not a single, original thought between them."

A few seconds of silence passed before George asked what they were all wondering. "So, do we have to guess what's in the bag?"

Bill's gaze fell on Charlie, who looked equally interested.

"Very well," he said begrudgingly, stealing a glance at the front door. "Walk with me."


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Fred and George and the Elixir of Life (Year 2) (WAITING...)Where stories live. Discover now