Chapter 3:3

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"They've arrived. At long last."

Lee Jordan was leaning against a doorframe three times his height, wearing a satisfied grin, his black hair a bramble of short dreadlocks. The room was so immense and the three of them were so absorbed in the existence of the Jordan's house-elf, that they hadn't noticed their friend watching from a short distance away.

"Master Lee," Rupert introduced, extending his hand regally.

"Couldn't help yourself, could you?" Lee rolled his eyes and joined his friends in the sitting room. "Sorry 'bout all that. He's disappointed that I didn't have you come to the front door. I've... upset his usual pageantry. Rupert has always taken his job rather seriously. You should've seen my tenth birthday —"

"May I introduce Masters Fred and George Weasley of Devon, England," Rupert proclaimed with unnecessary refinement.

Lee laughed. "Hey, lads."

"Good to see you again, mate," said Fred.

"Nice digs," said George.

The house-elf cleared his throat, signaling that his duties were being minimized. "May I further introduce Mistress Angelina Johnson of Dingle, Ireland."

Angelina dismissed Lee's little wave and turned her attention to the house-elf. "You're clothed. From all accounts, that would mean you're free to go as you please. And yet, you're still here." Rupert acknowledged her curiosity with a thin and dispassionate smile. "Are they keeping you here against your will?"

"It's a lost cause, I'm afraid," Lee insisted. "Rupert's been free since before I was born. I've reminded him countless times over the years — especially when he's being particularly irritating — but he refuses to leave."

"Please pardon the intrusion," Rupert chimed in, hands behind his back. "But as I have been directly mentioned, I should like to put in my pennyworth, as they say. I — as do many others in my station — hold with the belief that elves have a single calling in life, and that is to honorably give ourselves over to the service of wizardkind."

"Rather convincing, isn't he?" Lee's mouth expanded in a wide grin as a patch of multi-colored sunlight moved slowly across the room, thanks to the enchanted windows changing position. "Is it too much to say I've missed you?"

Angelina smiled back. "Not at all. Thanks for inviting us."

"Yeah, this place is nothing like our house," Fred admitted. "For starters, everything is so clean. And put away."

"Honestly," George's cheeks flushed as he left the group to inspect the windows. The stained glass was stripped of its color the closer he came. From that vantage point, he understood why the note on the vial of floo powder specified Jordan Hill.

The castle was nestled on a mound of the greenest grass George had ever seen, surrounded by wild Victorian gardens. Past that, spread across the sprawling grounds, flowering trees of every color were in abundance. The idyllic setting was interrupted by a carriage lane that led to a charming seaside house not much larger than the Burrow. The other three joined George at the window, just as an elegant tawny owl in a bronze helmet came swooping by. It circled the trees and landed softly on a perch that extended from the roof on the house below.

"Is that entire house devoted to your family owl?" wondered Fred as his twin brother just stared.


Angelina's lips tightened for their friend's sake. "Don't make him feel uncomfortable. Lee didn't choose such an extravagant lifestyle."

"Blimey, I would."

Fred and George and the Elixir of Life (Year 2) (WAITING...)Where stories live. Discover now