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Do you ever just sometimes get into bouts of sadness. Like you can't figure out whether it's you genuinely feeling upset or just that you're tired.

Well to be honest with you.... That's my life. Some good parts, some bad. In fact sometimes more bad than good.  I can be having such a good day then suddenly bam I feel really depressed. And then once that feeling hits you, you don't want to let it go. You want to nurture it and hold it tight and not let it go. But at the same time you want to push it away, shut the door on it and lock it outside.

Very strange isn't it?

It's crazy how its sometimes so hard to make us happy but can take one little thing to ruin our mood.

They say the positive outweighs the negative. Which it does...  But when you're in that negative state of mind it's a whole different ball game.

Just think.

Why do we ruminate and remember the negative things said about us over the positive? Why do we ingest those words and use them as our own to attack ourselves. It's crazy. I've done psychology for 2 years in College yet I still can't figure out my own mind and why I feel this way. We give others advice, but most of the time fail to take it ourselves. We tell others not to self harm and not to do anything stupid but we go home and do the same ourselves. The human mind is very complex, it either works with us or against us. There's no in between.


We choose our happiness. You may feel like whenever you feel you're stuck in a hole and can't get out that your brain chooses for you. But no. When you're in that negative state of mind and something makes you happy but your brain's trying to pull you back into being depressed, say no. Being miserable isn't fun and yes it makes you not want to do anything but then something happens that brings a little bit of that happiness back. Although it's only a little bit, grab onto it.  Moods go up and down. They always will do. Depression comes and goes, just like the waves. So just ride with it, don't let yourself drown. You have the power to swim back to shore even if the waves try to pull you back in.

Appreciate the small things, grab onto those happy times.

Because even though they're small

Every little helps.

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