2- One More Lie

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Standing in front of Cisco's before my "date" with Ruby, I pull out my scroll and call an old friend. "This is Tej, who's calling?"

"Who do you think, Tej?"

"Y/N, my man. What do you need?"

"I need a vehicle. Something fast. You got anything?"

Tej's keyboard clacks reach his mic before he speaks again. "Yeah. I got something. Gonna cost ya, though." Does EVERYONE want a favor from me?! "Fine. Just send it." I can practically hear his smirk. "It's on its way. Thank you for your patronage." I sigh. "Fuck you, Tej." A black motorcycle pulls up in front of me, keys in the ignition. I turn it off, put the keys in my pocket and head inside.

{Ruby's POV}

Y/N should be here soon. I let my eyes wander around the restaurant before settling on the door. Pain stabs at my heart when I see him standing at the entrance, clothes slightly torn from fighting, his (h/c) hair a mess from running, a lit cigarette in his hand.

His eyes scan the room before locking with mine. He smirks, puts out his cigarette, and starts walking over to the table. "Hey, Rubes. Sorry I kept you waiting. Totally lost track of time." I smile. "It's fine. Really, it is."

A waiter comes over and takes our orders. I just get a 10oz sirloin, while Y/N get (f/d). I stare at him in shock. He shrugs and smiles lopsidedly, "What? I like it." I lightly shake my head, before we both start eating. Y/N barely picks at his food, before sighing. "What's wrong? You're barely eating."

"I'm sorry. It's just, today I found that one of my friends only hangs out with me because it makes them look like a good person." I look away, trying to seem like I'm looking at the door. Does he know?! I look back pretty quickly. "I'm sure they aren't doing it for their own gain, haha. They might be forced to do that." Play it cool, Ruby. There's no possible way he could know. He wasn't around the dorm building all day. I lose my appetite quickly when his voice turns cold. "How would you know? I mean, you'd never be like that, right?" His eyes show laughter, but not the kind I'm used to from him. I laugh nervously. "N-No, I'd never do that! I'm just saying, it might not be what you think."

He smiles, but it's missing something. It's missing the warmth contained in his left eye as something ripped it from him. Or someone. "So tell me, Ruby, how's Cardin doing? I've heard you and him have started getting close." "He's-." I freeze. "How do you know that?!" His right sclera flashes black for a second, and he smirks. "I have my ways." He stands up and places some Lien on the table. "I gotta go. Family stuff. See ya, Ruby." He turns and starts walking back towards a black bike, lighting a cigarette before starting it. He looks back at me for a second before driving off. "This is not gonna end well...."

{Y/N's POV}

Ya know, I probably gave away the fact that I know to Ruby, but screw it. It took all I had to keep from going Grimm on everyone in the restaurant. I swerve to a stop in front of Magic 8, taking the keys from the bike and shoving them in my pocket. I take out my cigarette and put it out on the sidewalk. Bad habit, I know, but they're special. They keep my eye from changing on its own. I walk up to the door, passing by the line entirely when a bouncer stops me. "Sorry, pal. No cutting the line." I look at him. Never seen him before. "You a new guy?" He nods. "My name's Y/N. Check the special list." He pulls his clipboard out and flips through it. "Not on here. Nice try, pal. Back of the line." I sigh and pull out my scroll, calling Eight and putting her on speaker. "Hello, darling~ Need something?" "Hey, Eight. The new bouncer you hired, he's saying I'm not on the list you wrote and I saw you write." "Oh, sorry, darling~ I must have forgotten to give him the list before sending him out. I'll be right out with it, so sit tight, okay?" "Yeah." I end the call before looking at the new guy and mimicking his voice. "Nice try, pal. How's that high horse, buddy?" He stutters, or tries to stutter an apology, but is cut off by Eight opening the door. "Sorry for the wait, darling~ It's been a long day for both of us. Oh, and Jason, darling~?" "Yes, ma'am?" "This is the list my friend here was talking about. Anyone on that list is a personal friend of mine and is allowed instant entrance. Do try not to make this mistake again, okay?" "O-Of course, Ma'am. Never again." She hands him the list and grabs me by the shoulder, pulling me in. As much as I hate people touching me, I'm honestly okay with her. Eight leads me to the bar at the back, setting a glass of her strongest in front of me. Grimm's Breath, she calls it. A special treat she whipped up just for me. "I figure you need this, and probably more, so for tonight, it's all on the house, darling~ And before I forget," She pulls a box out of nowhere, her Semblance I think, and sets it in front of me, next to my drink. "Your order. The usual warning applies, and since your one of my most common patrons, a bonus is in there." I grab the drink and down a portion of it, "Heh, thanks Eight. Now, about Cardin. Someone put a hit on him?" She nods, "Some blonde boy, about your age." I take another drink. "Sword and shield, blue eyes?" She stops organizing things on the shelf, looking back at me. "How did you-?" "Know? That's Jaune. He's a student at Beacon. Never pegged him to be the type to hire a hitman." She goes back to what she was doing, while I place a stack of Lien on the counter, grabbing what's left of my drink and downing it. "Thanks for the drink, Eight. See ya 'round." Grabbing the box that has my guns in it, I start walking towards the door. I've got an ape to shoot.

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