3- Minor Hiccup

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The pain of knowing what Ruby did burns through my mind as I drive back to Beacon, driving me mad. She wants to screw with that ape behind my back, fine. But I'll gladly kill them both. After all, that is our mission, eventually anyway. I can feel my eye flicker between human and Grimm. I pull to a stop in the forest, turning into a baby Lepus in order to not draw much attention. They're cute, so most people ignore them. Now, to get to Cardin. I start hopping forward, up until a searing pain shoots through my paw. I can't turn back, what the hell?! Where did that even come from?!

Velvet's POV

I cover my ears as Ruby fires Crescent Rose right next to me, aiming into the forest at a black bike. "Um, Ruby? Can you maybe move a little farther away from me? The sound hurts my ears." She looks up from her scope, smiling at me. "Sure thing, Velvet. Sorry." I smile back sadly. I wasn't quick enough. I couldn't bring myself to confess to him, and now he's with Ruby. Stupid insecurities. When she moves away, I leave, walking into the forest, towards the bike. Who would just ride into the forest and leave their bike? As I grow nearer to it, my ears pick up a small, pained squeaking. Cowering next to the bike, out of Ruby's view, is a baby Lepus with a bullet wound right between it's leg and paw. Blood pours from the wound, which confuses me. I thought Grimm didn't bleed? I inch closer, putting out my hands. It moves closer to the bike, trying to look scary but failing. "Shh... I'm not gonna hurt you.." I move closer, the Lepus starting to move slightly towards me, it's blue eyes staring at me- wait blue? It moves closer, limping the entire way, up until it reaches me, at which point it just stops and sniffs me. Oh my Oum, this is adorable! I crouch down and reach out a hand, to which it just sniffs and puts it's head against. "so cute...." I fight back the urge to squeal, and pick it up, placing him on my head between my ears. "Let's get you patched up. Come on." He paws at my head with his un-injured one, blue eyes sparkling. I smile back at him.

I climb on the bike, finding the keys in the ignition still. I start it up and drive back to Beacon, my passenger staying low to avoid falling off. Quiet, excited squeaks emit from him, enjoying the ride. "You having fun, little guy?" An affirmative squeak reaches my ears. I pull to a stop in front of the dorms, climbing off the bike and taking the keys.  I've seen the bike around Beacon before, so I figure if I find the owner I can give the keys to them. My new acquaintance squeaks the whole way, earning me odd looks from other students, particularly teams RWBY and JNPR. Yang walks up to me and I can feel the Lepus shake. I bring him off my head, holding him in my arms. "It's okay, she's a friend. You need something, Yang?" She looks at the Lepus, at me, then back to him. "Yeah. Why do you have a Grimm in you arms?" I look back, stroking his ears lightly, trying to calm him down. "Simple, really. Your sister shot him, he's a baby, it'd be wrong for me not to help nurse something back to health, he's a baby, he won't hurt people, and of course, HE'S A BABY." She's taken aback by my sudden outburst, as is everyone. I sigh, "Sorry about that. Just, pay no attention to him. Half the time you won't even know he's here." I turn and keep walking back to my dorm, passing by Ruby with a glare. "How could you hurt something so innocent?" I don't wait for an answer, walking into my dorm and placing my friend on my head again. "You good, little guy?" He squeaks lightly, putting his uninjured paw on my forehead. I hear a camera snap and turn to see Coco holding her scroll with a smirk on her face. I can feel my own face heat up, going to speak when she shows me the photo.

"Who's your new friend?" I glare at her, bringing him off of my head and setting him on the table, moving to grab the first aid kit

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"Who's your new friend?" I glare at her, bringing him off of my head and setting him on the table, moving to grab the first aid kit. "None of your business, Coco." I pull a roll of bandages from the kit, walking back to the table. "Jeez, fine. Never seen you like this before." I laugh a little, wrapping the bandages around the wound, which has already stopped bleeding, somehow. "So what're you gonna call him?" I sigh. "I dunno. At this point, I'm more concerned about people trying to kill him." He raises his head, eyes flashing orange for second, before jumping off the table. Black mist surrounds him, before a blue-eyed Nightmare colt standing where the Lepus was. "I don't think you have to worry about that." He turns back into a Lepus, moving over to me. I pick him up, placing him back on my head. "How about, Azure?" He squeaks happily. "You like that, Azure?" Coco laughs. "That is precious." "Shut up." Azure points his paw towards the door. "Where to, Azure?" I follow his pointing until I reach Y/N's dorm room. The door is slightly ajar, and Azure keeps points for me to go inside. Relenting, I push the door open completely, entering his room. Azure squeaks and points to a box on the counter. Picking it up, I open it to find, black cigarettes? Why would Y/N smoke? A note is on the table, and I look it over.

"Hey, son. I figured your supply was getting low, and your eye was changing more often. Don't ask how I know the second part, I'm your mother, of course I know. Anyway, these are stronger, so they should keep your eye in check. Just, try not to lose control.
Love ya,

So that explains why he's got cigarettes. Funny, I've never seen him smoking them before. Azure hops off my head, trying to open the box of cigarettes in my hand. His eyes are flashing from blue to orange quickly. I pull one of the cigarettes from the box, lighting it with Y/N's lighter and setting it in Azure's mouth. His eyes stop flickering, staying a bright blue. The cigarette turns a bright orange before turning to dust. "Heh, you sure are weird, Azure."

Broken Trust Forms Broken People (Cheater Ruby, Son of Salem X Velvet)Where stories live. Discover now