4- Okay, Maybe a More Major Hiccup

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Y/N's POV, Three weeks later...

"Azure! Where are you?" I hop back towards Velvet, still stuck in Grimm form. Damn it, Ruby! If you hadn't SHOT ME, I wouldn't be STUCK LIKE THIS. Not that I mind, Velvet's really nice. Soon enough, Velvet comes into view and picks me up, setting me on her head. I've honestly come to like it, it's honestly a lot more comforting than anything Ruby ever did. You know, I think I'll expose her when I'm able to change back. Thanks, Mom, for my ability to change into Grimm. Really helpful right now. Not to mention I can't change into anything but young or baby forms. Again, don't really mind, considering Velvet likes it. She's honestly really sweet. "There you are. Don't run off like that, you scared me!" I paw at her head, before pointing towards her class. "Right, class. Come on, buddy, let's go." She runs to her next class, me holding on for dear life. I heal quickly, but my paw is still injured for some reason. Damn you, Ruby. People stare at the two of us passing by them, still wary of me in my Grimm form. We get to Velvet's class about a minute before the bell, Velvet sitting down in her seat and me hopping off her head and onto the desk. Coco rubs my ears lightly. "Nice of you two to join us." Velvet punches her in the arm lightly.

Port walks away from his lectern, pacing around the room telling useless stories and flirting with the female students. 'Cept Velvet and Coco. You're welcome. "Now, who here thinks they have the qualities of a true Huntsman or Huntress?" In the edge of my view, Cardin raises his hand. "And I'll prove it by killing that beast the freak carries around." You'll try. I hop off the desk, turning to my Niseag form, the only one I have right now that does any sort of lasting damage. Other than Maurya. Cardin walks down, mace on his shoulder. Orange flashes across my vision, which goes unnoticed by everyone but Coco and Velvet, who pulls my cigarettes and lighter out of her pocket. "Azure. Here." I float over, letting her light a cigarette and place it in my mouth. "Kick his ass, buddy." The cigarette dissolves and blue covers my vision again. I float back, feeling slightly bigger now than I did before. Negativity flows into my body, coming mainly from, Velvet? A large black cloud surrounds her, as she holds back tears. I feel myself grow, and try turning into my Maurya form. I smirk inwardly as I feel my wings spread along with my tail feathers.

Port releases Cardin, and I go straight for his eyes. He attempts to hit me with his mace, prompting me to change into my Lepus form to dodge. Small horns hit him in the chest, knocking him on his back. I turn back to my Maurya form, landing on his chest and pecking at his eyes and face. Mainly the eyes. His screams compel me to peck at him more. This is actually pretty fun! PECK, PECK, MOTHERFUCKER! I deplete his aura fairly quickly causing small wounds and large bruises to cover his face, before I turn back to Lepus form, jumping in place, making more bruises and probably breaking a few bones. Good. He deserves after everything he's done to Velvet. I stop when he starts coughing up blood, hopping off of him and kicking him once for good measure before hopping back to Velvet.

She puts a hand on my head, rubbing my ear. "Good job, buddy. Looks like you grew, too." Class continues on as normal after Cardin gets carried to the infirmary, of course. When class ends and Velvet stands up, I follow her, standing at about half her height on my hind legs. People give us and the rest of Team CVFY a wide berth after seeing what I did to Cardin.

"So, Azure, what other Grimm can you be?" I look at Coco before turning into a Grimble, then a small-ish Nope, a child Zaratan, an adolescent Blackhart, an adolescent Sobek, and a child Gerfauntz, before going back to Lepus. "Hm. So a lot, I take it." I nod at her, hopping along with the rest of the group until we pass by my dorm, which is still unlocked, just closed. I tap Velvet with my horn, gesturing towards the door. "Sure thing." She opens it for me, and I hop in, turning to my Maurya form and landing on my dresser, searching the drawer for my back-up scroll. I find it and pull it out with my beak, flying back and turning a small Nevermore and landing on Velvet's shoulder. I drop my scroll in her hands, gesturing for her to hold it up to my face. She does and I start typing with my beak. "This is my semblance. I'm able to turn into Grimm. I can't turn back though, for some reason. As for why I know Y/N's room so well, I'm one of his friends. Oh, and you actually got my name right. So just keep calling me Azure." So you're human?" "Yep." The four of them nod, Fox a little confused about the conversation as he's blind. I fly over to him and caw in his face then fly back onto Velvet's shoulder. "Then why do you need his cigarettes?" SHIT! QUICK, SOMEONE DO SOMETHING STUPID!

Right at that moment, Ruby walks up to us. I can feel the anger in my body fueling me, orange firing across my eyes quickly. "Azure, your eyes." I close my eyes and open my beak, letting Velvet put a cigarette in and light it. With it still burning, I start typing. "Thanks." "Just try not to Grimm out on everyone." "You got it." Black mist comes off of Ruby in waves, but I don't take in her negativity. It's disgusting. Tainted with happy thoughts to counteract it. "What's up, Ruby?" She looks at me, and I try not to let my eyes change. "How's Azure's wound?" "Just fine. He's recovering nicely. No thanks to you." "I didn't know he was even there!" "BULLSHIT! YOU WERE STARING DOWN YOUR FUCKING SCOPE AT ME!" "Ok, fine, I did see you, but can you blame me for shooting you? And how are you even able to use that?!" I try to calm down, knowing that if I don't, I'll go into a Grimm Rage. Velvet notices, and decides to answer for me. "Because he's human, okay? His semblance is turning into Grimm." Ruby blinks in surprise. Oh look, something she doesn't know about me. Well, no one really knows that about me but Azure's fair play. Gotta come up with a story though. Oh well. I fly off of Velvet's shoulder, going around the corner to try turning back. I almost make it when something launches me back into Grimm form. Guess that's still a no. Maybe when I get my transformations back in full I'll be able to change back. I still need to shoot an ape. I fly back to everyone, landing on Ruby's head and pecking at her scalp. "Ow, ow! Stop it!" NOPE! I keep pecking, having fun. Karma's a bitch, ain't it, whore?! "That's enough, Azure, I think she gets it." Fine. I fly back to Vel's shoulder, cawing at Ruby before settling and closing my eyes. Worth it.

Broken Trust Forms Broken People (Cheater Ruby, Son of Salem X Velvet)Where stories live. Discover now