Chapter 3

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I've had a bit of a shitty weekend and now it's Monday and all I want to do is stay in bed forever. It's cold too.

"Sammy had to wait half an hour and she burst into tears in front of Emma's mum," Stacy started, slamming the bedroom door behind her. Chase backed up a little until he had to sit down on the bed. His entire body was trembling at such a pace that he was a little puzzled as to why his teeth weren't chattering. Stacy's interrogative and mildly threatening gaze was enough to send Chase into overdrive with panic. He felt like a child again and his mother was about to tell him off for teasing a sibling or doing something worse than that... except he knew his mother wasn't even half as menacing as Stacy. The worst his mother did was yell at him for five minutes and threaten to take away his video game console and never go through with it. Stacy was much worse. She was about as petrifying to Chase as a fox was to a rabbit. "I ask you to do one thing."

"I know but I got carried-" Stacy slapped her husband whose mouth snapped shut as soon as their skin came in contact with each other. He knew better than to ramble out apologies or defend himself: any words were just fuel added to the roaring fire. His head dropped to look down at his shoes, knowing full well that he could make a run for it and just never come back. He could distantly hear Alex screaming at his Xbox and that was one of the reasons he stayed glued to the floor.

"I said you could only go out if you picked up Sammy and you didn't do that." Nodding but not really paying attention, Chase began to focus on his breath like Marvin had advised him to earlier in the day. He could feel his body shaking but breathing slowly was helping him steady himself a little. "Next time I'm going to say no. You won't be allowed to see them again."

"I'm sorry," Chase mumbled. He would have hated for his friends to see him in that position: rendered so defenceless in front of the woman he, himself, had decided to marry. He had brought it upon himself and there was no chance he'd admit his vulnerability to his friends. "I won't forget again."

"You know I love you but I need you to stop seeing them for a while."

Chase nodded. He had expected much worse so he was satisfied with the punishment. Stacy pulled him into a gentle hug and whispered gently, "I know you understand."

"I do, Stace."


Chase placed his phone down on the table and let out a gentle sigh. Stacy, who was sitting about a metre away from him, looked up at the noise. The TV was alive in front of them, images moving and dancing across the screen. Stacy had had her full attention on the movie whilst Chase had been messing around on his phone. He had been talking to Marvin, right up until the point that Marvin had asked to arrange another meeting. As much as Chase wanted to say 'yes', he had to refuse the offer so that he didn't have to deal with Stacy's wrath again.

As if aware of what Chase had been texting a friend, Stacy sent him that look. The look that told Chase she had control of him and he couldn't do anything he wanted. Chase's decisions were based on code and Stacy was the coder, leaving Chase completely under her command. "Who are you talking to?" She questioned, fake innocence laced in her tone.

"Just Marvin." Chase replied, hoping she'd drop the topic even though he knew she would just ask more and more questions until she found an excuse to scream at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"He asked if I wanted to meet him and the others but I said no."

"Good," Stacy smiled that smile that made everything worth it for a few moments. She even went as far as to shuffle over on the sofa so her side pressed into her husband's. She leant her head on his shoulder, her hair falling down and covering her face. Chase hated when her face was covered. Her face was the main indicator of how she was feeling, like the tail of a dog. Chase couldn't tell if he was currently in her good books for saying 'no' or her bad books for even bringing up the subject. Stacy eventually whispered, "I love you," which confirmed to Chase that he had earned a place in her good books, an absurdly rare occurrence.

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