A Strange Encounter

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"Bro bro I'm bored!" Mable says as she's hanging upside down from the sofa.
"Well Mable what do you want to do?" Dipper replies while shutting journal three and looking at his twin. Mable sat up instantly
"Oh, oh too fast! Anyways I was thinking we could go to the beach?" Mable says, clutching her head from sitting up so fast.
"Sounds good to me" Dipper says.
"Ok cool we'll leave tomorrow then" Mable replies.
"K night"
"night dipdop"

~~Timeskip (morning)~~

'Me and Dip'N Dots are going to the beach today!! I'm so excited!!!' Mabel thinks to herself.
"Hey bro bro you ready?!" The female twin yells.
"Yea I'll be right there" Dipper says then walks in the room with a backpack.
"Let's goo" Mable replies while pointing and walking to the car.

~~Timeskip (at the beach)~~

"Dipdop look they have helicopter tours that sounds so much fun we should totally go!"
"I mean I guess that sounds fun, Mable, we'll go after we pay for our stuff." Dipper replies

Mable and Dipper get to the Helicopter and take off. All of the sudden Mable gasped with excitement and shouted,
"The islands in the sky are real!"
Dipper turned his head towards Mable with a look of confusion.
"Mable what do you mean? Did you have smile dip before we left?"
"No DipDop, I promise! Look!" Mable says pointing out the window
"Mable there's nothing there." Dipper replies looking out the window
The twins heard the pilot laughing for no apparent reason in the voice they new oh so well.
"Is that..."
"...no it can't be" The twins say, Dipper starting off and Mable finishing.
"Oh but it can be! Shooting Star, Pinetree, how ya doing!"
Bill says, turning his head around like an owl as if to prove it's him.
"Bill!" The twins shouted in unison.
"Bill what do you want now?!" Dipper asks with complete and utter hatred laced in his voice.
"Well Pinetree I would tell you my plans but you wouldn't be to happy with them~" Bill replies.
"Dip what If the evil dorito-"
"Don't you dare call me that, shooting star!" Bill yells turning red with white pupils.
"Sheesh Bill would you prefer tortilla chip?" Mable replies with sarcasm.
Bill glares at Mable.
"Anyways I've got some things I need to work on, I would love to stay and mess with y'all some more but duty calls, until next time. Always remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy GOLD, BYE!" Bill says as he disappears.
"Ugh I hate that stupid nacho." Dipper says rolling his eyes.
"Same" Mable responds
The Helicopter lands and Mable and Dipper step out practically seething.

~~With Bill~~

Bill snaps his fingers and teleports home in the nightmare realm.
"Ah I love terrorizing those twins, I can't wait till my plan can be put into motion!" Bill says aloud as Pyronica walks in.
"Which twins, Sixer and Fez or Sapling and Star?" Pyronica asks.
"Pinetree and Shooting Star." Bill replies with a huge grin on his face.
"I'm so excited!" Pyronica exclaims.
"And why would that be?" Bill asks.
"Our plan! I have this good feeling it's going to turn out the way we want it!" Pyronica replies.
"That is quite exciting." Bill says.

~~With Dipper~~

'I have a bad feeling Bill is going to start weirdmaggedon again.' Dipper thinks. The twins just got back from the beach and Dipper is in his room panicking. 'I don't know what to do or even if there is something I can do. You know what I'm getting ahead of myself it should be fine... right?' Dipper thought, trying to reassure himself.

I hope y'all enjoyed that chapter!


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