A Mistake to Explain

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"BILL FUCKING CIPHER GET BACK HERE!" Dipper yelled trying to hide how flustered he was at the moment.
"I HAVE BUISNESS TO TAKE CARE OF AT THE MOMENT MEET ME IN MY ROOM, WE NEED TO TALK!" Dipper sighed and got up to go to Bill's room where he sat down and started to wait.

~Fearmid, Throne Room~

Bill could sense the pines family coming.
"Those little fucks think that invisishroom can help them escape me. That's hilarious!" Bill said to himself.
'Now where are they...'  Bill thought as he closed his eyes to determine the pines exact location.
"Alright everyone, the Pines are almost here and they are invisible. I'll handle them I need you all to protect my 'slave' who is in my room. Even the slightest sound of footsteps and start fighting where they're coming from." Bill demanded
"YES SIR!" Bills Henchmaniacs yelled back as they went to stand in front of Bills door. Bill then felt the presence of three people, one child and two adults.
"oh pIIIInnnEEEss, wont you please show yourselves?" Bill yelled, hoping to scare the family off. An aggravated 'shit' was all he got in reply.
"Ah so you are here!" Bill said, kinda excited.
"Yeah well we're here to do your dirty work!" Mable said, grinning even though no one could see it.
"And what exactly would my 'dirty work' be?" Bill asked.
"Killing Dipper." Ford said
'Oh shit not dipper I... I love him! I can't let them do this. I'm going to kill them!' Bill thought to himself.

~~Bills room~~

Pinetree I'm not here physically I'm talking to you through your mind so all you have to do is think of an answer and I'll hear it.
Oh alright.
Your family's here and they're saying they want to do my 'dirty work'.
And what would that be?!
That's the thing I don't have dirty work.
Then what are they talking about?
Killing you...
Do I have your permission to kill them before they kill you?
I... I don't know.
Pinetree I need to know now before they get to you!
Pinetree I have to go but know that I care for you and don't want you to get hurt I'll be there as soon as I'm done so we can talk Alright?

~~Fearmid: throne room~~

"Wowie Pines, I find it funny Pinetree has spent all his life loving you all with all of his heart! Yet he just gave me permission to kill you? I guess he hates you as much as you hate him!" Bill says, growing red and taller by the second.
"Ford you said he'd want to kill dipper!" Mable yells not even trying to hide the fact that they're visible now. Ford puts his hand to his chin.
"He should've wanted to unless A he wanted to use him as a slave or B he.. he lik- no no no he can't he probably just wants to keep him as a slave." Ford says.
"Hmm I believe it was the second one Sixer. He really is adorable isn't he!" Bill says blushing a bit.
"Well fez it seems as though you just insulted your own brother. Enough with the chit chat I'm just itching to kill you all so I can talk with my Pinetree!" Bill says as he starts to throw fireballs at the trio. All Bill heard before everything went quiet was a panicked 'retreat!'
"They're gone for now. But how do I explain that careless mistake to him!? He probably hates me for that!" Bill said to himself as he walked to his room. When he got to his room he told his hanchmaniacs to disperse and walked in to see a sleeping dipper.
"Aww! He's so cute!" Bill whispered to himself. Dipper started to sit up and when he saw Bill staring at him with a blank expression he freaked out a bit.
"O-oh my god I-I'm so s-sorry you took so l-long I guess I g-got tired." Dipper stuttered out, being mad for stuttering so much.
"No no, you're fine Pinetree. I came to talk to you about what happened earlier.." Bill said sitting on the bed avoiding eye contact.
"Oh y-yea what was that about?" Dipper asked looking at the wall to hide his blushing face.
"Well since you got here I started to grow attached to you. Which is really odd because demons aren't supposed to feel love unless they are with their soulmate. I never really understood the concept of 'soulmates' but it's starting to make sense now. But can you kind of explain to me what a 'soulmate' is because I'm still new to the concept." Bill explained to the still very flustered boy.
"W-well a soulmate is someone who will always be there kinda like a 'meant to be' kinda thing or more like the world bought you two together. Anyways it's someone who will love you forever and you will love them forever." Dipper replied trying to explain it the best he could.
"It seems that you're my soulmate Pinetree." Bill said.
"I don't think I said 'I love you too' yet." Dipper states.
"O-oh. You're right. Heh." Bill said, rubbing the back of his neck. Dipper looked Bill in the eyes.
"I love you too, you stupid demon." Dipper said blushing.
"Really?" Bill asked.
"I have this whole fucking time since about a week after I got here!" Dipper stated. Bill crashed his lips onto Dipper's who's eyes widened in shock but soon closed as he leaned into the kiss. They both soon stopped kissing due to needing air. The two went into the bed Bill leaning against the wall as dipper sat in his lap taking in his surroundings. It was a pretty simplistic room the bed in the middle of the back wall with a Black night stand with a gold lamp on either side of the bed, black bed sheets with gold triangles on them, the same pattern on the pillows, a black desk in the corner of the room with a chair underneath it, and two doors, one Dipper assumed was a closet.
"Bill?" Dipper asked.
"Hm?" Bill replied.
"Are we together now?" Dipper wondered.
"It seems so Pinetree. Now get some rest." Bill said kissing Dippers cheek and lying down on his side with Dipper  beside him snuggling his head into Bills chest.
"Goodnight Pinetree." Bill said, kissing Dippers lips.
"Goodnight Bill." Dipper said back, soon falling into a deep sleep.

I told y'all I'd make it up to you in this chapter! 1117 words not including this little blurb. Merry Christmas and happy new year! My resolution is to start updating normally! Goodbye for now lovelies!

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