[Chapter 2]

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Previously on Bloody Lover:
"(Y/N)" I heard my father say but I couldn't react my head began to hurt I felt dizzy and blurry images began to surge my vision I couldn't see them clearly and before I could it all went dark all I could hear was the voice in my head say a name ............................................................................................."Gwi."


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(Y/N)'S Dream:

I was sitting by the lake the moon reflecting off the water was so captivating soon a handmaiden came to get me no words were said I got up and was escorted to the huge estate "why did this feel so real".

We stopped at a door and opened it the room lights were bright the room had many gift boxes in it I  felt as if they were for me. The front door closed and another opens my vision blur's at this point I  can only see a figure he came forth and held my hands placing a kiss on both he began to hold me close it felt warm and trusting I don't know why.

Soon we had begun to lay by each other he held me tight I felt his breath on my cheek his slender hands made their way down my back under my clothes but before he could continue a loud bang was heard from the hall and soon everything became dark.


I woke up dripping sweat, hyperventilating, and scared I looked around to see I was in my room I  got up to see my mother and father in the front my mother was crying and my father was consoling her what happened "Mother why are you crying" was all I said but it was enough to make  her freeze and turn around along with Father they both came running over to me they held me so tight Mother was still crying "Mother please stop crying tell me what's wrong" she didn't speak she only started to breathe before saying "let's go inside I'll make tea and explain."

Lě Time Skip

We sat at our table and began to drink tea mother was ready to explain her side and father would do the rest " You see my dear (Y/N) a young man who was close to the crown prince had brought you here you had passed out after an incident at the palace and he and your father brought you home and called a physician he said you were in a coma and wouldn't wake up he said it was from the shock he said you wouldn't wake up for month's." I was shocked and a little confused " Mom how long was I out?" She paused before saying "4 days I was scared you were in a coma and would never wake up." She looked at father its was his turn to explain

"Y-you see umm the palace was under attack and after it happened you just passed out the prince carried you to  his chamber and told his friend of what happened he said to take you home and call his best physician and so he did after he had  apologized for what happened and wanted to compensate me for what happened I tried to refuse but he wouldn't let me he sent me off and sent his prayers to you he said if you woke up he would wish to talk to you and apologize I  told him I would send word when you had woken up." I understood how it all came back to me "W-wait father where is soo-jun (Your Brother) ?"

"H-he went to the market to get herbs for you he will be back soon you should rest now my dear I'll send word of you awakening tomorrow but for now rest."

Little did you know as you rested a man in a red robe was watching you
"Soon my love I'll have you back in my arms."


don't forget to comment what you fave gwi moment in the show was and I will see you IN THE NEXT CHAPTER BYE❤❤😚😘😍

Scarlet Lover (Gwi  x Reader) [Continuing slowly]Where stories live. Discover now