[Chapter 6]

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He must have been able to hear my pleads and crys because soon after I felt the warmth I was craving for so desperately return That Night I slept peacefully and somewhat felt I was at home where I belonged.


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(Y/N) P.O.V

Waking up was the hardest part as I lay in a bed with distressed curtains surrounding me I wondered where Gwi had gone I didn't understand how I knew his name but saying felt right. I thought 'Is this my chance to escape? Will he be back anytime soon if not I could make a run for it!' I decided I would run and I did down the hall and found myself in the same haunting room I once was the light leaking through the exit was near I knew that for sure as I ran with the mild speed I found myself in the castle walls What!

The word around the streets was true Vampires were running the kingdom from the inside I had to find a way out so I slowly approach the exit making sure guards and passing maidens could not see me once the door opened I made a run for it outside the castle walls the capital city air hit me cold skin I ran home I knew the route due to fathers many trips I prayed I had made it before Gwi could have his chance when I walked to my home I found my mother sighing next to the front entrance dry tears stain her cheeks all the sorrow ones face  could carry was evident upon hers  her beauty still visible "Mother!"

I wailed out she looked up in disbelief as she ran to me I did the same she began to bombard me with questions "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU YESTERDAY? ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT ANYWHERE? DO YOU WANT FOOD?" Those questions made me happy I was truly home and I was quite famished from running.

Without words she rushed me into the house put out all the side dishes opened my favorite dessert box and allowed me to dive into the glorious foods around me she simply sat down and watched as I scarfed down the glorious seasoned beef and the nicely perfected Tteokbokki and my favorite American cake treat father had got on travel for me I could only have on certain occasions the joy in my face and my stomach was the best finally full I looked at my mothers face she looked tired she must have been looking for me all day and night the crow's feet evident in her face I grabbed her hand and said: "Rest mother once dad returns and Soo-jun wakes I shall tell you everything I will keep watch of the home but know this I must leave the city before daylight ends for monsters in the kingdom await my return."

With a simple nod with a hint of fear she made her way to her chambers I ran to mine quickly to mine, I grab all the gifts given to me by the vampire I wanted to know who I was what I was and what I am now I began to realize my memories return when I am dreaming so I began to attempt to trick my mind into slumber praying I could.

soon I fall half asleep.


I'm running at the speed of light I feel another running behind me soon I am pushed down I see his beautiful glowing red eyes "stop running Gwi can not save you my dear you must give up."

My lips move to utter these words in fear. "No stop what do you want from me! I've done no wrong I've hurt no souls please let me go I beg of you!" A man beside him began to walk slowly near "We don't wish to harm you but you cannot become that monsters consort I promised my great grandmother I would save her our undead ancestor from choosing to be that monster bride I plan to keep that promise whatever it takes" that face ooh soo familiar yet very young from what I currently remember wait... father! No, this can't be true my memory is playing tricks on me it must have faltered this cant be!.

My mouth began to move "You won't get away with this I made a choice years ago I fell in love I'm happy why can't you allow me to live joyously! Why was it so hard for my family to understand they all judged me when I fell for Gwi and he provided wealth but no one judged Lee-shen for falling in love with a half breed with no family inheritance this is foolish I relinquished the family name after they all abandoned me they all never cared from the start and now decades past and still they try and ruin me why must you all hate me!"

He then spoke " You are a fool that monster doesn't love you and your father promised you to the Emperors Gukgong's 1st son Feung-shin you would have lived a life of nobility but you chose a beast of the dead but there is still a chance to change your fate the curse can be broken with the blood of a hybrid and a pure human and the great book of Emperor Wang-Jun the only emperor to reverse the curse in history! Just to make sure you don't make this mistake again all your memory will be wiped."

My eyes wide in shock was this how evil father really is "No please you can't do this I've done nothing wrong I only chose my own destiny!!" he smirks as he walked close to my face "Well... you chose wrong." with that he had the man holding me who was clearly a vampire of some sort hold me down as he bound me with chains "I need to keep you still for the reading of the spell it will take some time" as I tried to untangle my binds he began chanting before I could scream everything turned black.......


I now truly open to my past I instead of wait in joy for my fathers return I fear it I must make it back to Gwi I must tell him I began to pack for the long journey ahead back I hear my fathers' voice "I'm home" I feel the sweat trickle down my forehead I jump out the window and run as fast as my legs could carry with them a bag over my shoulder I make it back to the palace and pray they shall let me in only to see the face I once feared at the door he stormed out looking angry as ever he the looked my way to see my face fear evident but also sadness his face softened at mine he walked over to me I thought he was gonna yell only to feel his arms wrap around me I feel tears start to pour out my eyes "I-I'm sorry y-you where right they d-deceived me for years I was wrong p-please forgive me for leaving you for so long."

His eyes widened at the sight of my tears "stop crying it's not your fault we will fix this together I will help you just never leave me ever again my love is that understood as long as I am here you shall not leave my side."

My eyes filled with tears I uttered "Y-yes as long as I'm with you nothing else matters I promise I won't leave" we shared the rest of the night together laying down talking of the past meanwhile at the home I escaped from the man I once called Father was planning the demise of Gwi and me for he knew with my new and great knowledge of the past will come to an act of greater revenge on my behalf I shall make him pay We shall make him pay....


To BE CONTined I'm back and will be trying my best to update but I have problems at home right now so this chapter was written on a computer but expect more on this story❤🌹❤ AUTHOR out

Scarlet Lover (Gwi  x Reader) [Continuing slowly]Where stories live. Discover now