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You were still in shock as you opened the door to Jimin and Tae's apartment, spaced out. It was late, but they were still up- you knew, because both bolted down the hallway as you were taking off your shoes.

"Chul-ah! How was it? Good?" You sighed at your feet flattened against the ground, achey from the stilettos, and looked up at Jimin. A smirked crossed his face. "Ah, got some action? That good?"

Slowly, you shook your head, "No, ah...- well, yes, but this..." you bit your lower lip, then wiped over it with your thumb and forefinger, red coming away on your fingertips. You stared at it. "It wasn't..." grunting in annoyance, you quickly strode down the hall to the bathroom to take off the make up. The two men stared at each other in confusion as you did so, looking round when you, minus makeup, hung out of the bathroom door to look at them again, "RM kissed me!"

"He did?" Jimin rose his eyebrows. "Why was he even there?"

You furrowed your brow. "He came in the car to pick me up- why aren't you more surprised at this?!"

"Well..." again, he exchanged glances with Taehyung, "To be honest, he's not exactly... reserved, with the other girls, either. It's kind of part of the deal. He may be all businesslike but he is technically a pimp."

"I know for a fact he's fucked a couple of the girls... Sungri?" Taehyung looked to Jimin in question. "I think he had her a few times, right?"

"Who hasn't?" Jimin rolled his eyes, then looked back to you, "My point is, don't think anything of it. He's... kind of a hoe. And that's coming from me."

You weren't really surprised. He had given you that impression. "I didn't think he'd be trying it on me, though..."

Jimin shrugged, "If you're not comfortable with it, tell him, and he won't do it anymore. He's good like that." You fidgeted, looking away, and your friend narrowed his eyes, turning to face you fully. "Unless... you liked it."

You immediately coloured. "I did not! He's my boss!"

"Your hot boss." You slapped at him as he giggled, "Bitch you're working as a vanilla prostitute, this is no time for morals."

"Vanilla prostitute?" Taehyung echoed, earning a laugh from the man that was still dodging your attacks,

"Yeah, a prostitute that doesn't do sex stuff, duh." You scowled,

"That doesn't even make sense!" Satisfied after landing a solid punch to his arm, you stopped chasing, "And I didn't like it."

"You're such a liar." Jimin mumbled, but quieted as you glared at him, cradling his dead arm. "How come he went to pick you up, anyway? He never did that for me..."

You ignored the remark, instead going to Jimin's bedroom to get changed. He followed you down the hall, and you could hear him arguing with Taehyung about something, but ignored it as you rifled through the drawers. Looking at your own things, you eventually sighed and slung on one of his oversized sweaters. The softest you could find.

You frowned at the voices you could still hear, going to the door of the room and poking your head out. Both of them stopped talking when they saw you, causing your scowl to deepen. "Yah, try make it less obvious you're discussing me."

Jimin sighed, but didn't comment, instead glancing down your form. He smirked. "You stealing my clothes, now?"

"Yes." You said, shortly, returning back inside the room, and flopping down onto the large bed. "Fucking stop me."

"Why would I do that?" He chuckled, shooing Taehyung away, and then shutting the door. You just laid still, suddenly dog-tired, as he shuffled around, slipping into some pyjamas. "How's your tattoo doing?"

"Basically healed, now." You sighed, sitting up to look at it. The small flower was almost clear, now, just the faintest of bruising around it. You glanced up at him, as he pulled on a loose tshirt, "You never told me, where's yours? RM said it was somewhere private?"

"Ah." He winked, "You know it's private and you still want to see? Cheeky, babygirl, cheeky." You rolled your eyes, and he giggled. "It could be on my dick, like Tae's, you know?" You folded your arms, and he smiled, knowing he wasn't fooling you. With one hand, he lifted the hem of his shirt a little, using the other to stretch down the waistband of his jogpants and underwear together. The small flower sat low on his V-line, on the border between his private area and his thigh. At least you knew now why you'd never seen it before. Then, he let go of his pants, letting them spring back into place with a snap. "Now, don't go getting all horny on my since you almost saw my dick."

You just threw a pillow at his face, failing at suppressing a smile, and he laughed, catching it and then jumped into the bed next to you. "Like I'd want that crusty dick."

"Woooow." He sat up, "First of all, no one asked your diddly darn opinion," you laughed, and a grin crept onto his face, "Second, you know this dick is great."

"Okay, okay, stop talking about your dick now." You chuckled, backhanding him only half gently in the stomach. You fell onto your back, and sighed, rolling so you could scooch under the covers. He reached over you to turn off the lights with the switch by the bed, then cuddled up to you. You'd slept like this most nights since coming to stay here, since Tae and Jimin didn't have a spare room. Neither of you really minded, though- in fact, it was nice to sleep with company, for once. You petting his hair, gently, and he whined softly, content, nestling his face into your neck. "Mochi?"

He hummed, and you bit your lip.

"Maybe..." you pulled in a breath. "Maybe I did... like it."

"I knew it!" The mattress bounced as he bolted upright. "You have the hots for him!"

You grimaced, "I- look, he just makes me feel... weird, okay? I can't help it!" You sighed heavily, "I thought it was the alcohol the first time but I feel like it sober, too! It's just so... tense."

Jimin whistled. Again, you could feel the bed move, as he lowered himself down again. "That bad, huh." There was silence for a little while, and then he spoke again, "You should just fuck him."

"What?!" Heat shot through you, and you sat up, then, face flaring red, even though you couldn't see Jimin and he couldn't see you. "No way!"

"Why not?" He asked, "He definitely would, and you clearly want to... it doesn't mean anything." You felt his hand pat your thigh over the blankets, "And anyway, you've been complaining about needing dick for the longest."

"It's a conflict of interest..." you grumbled weakly, laying back down, "I... I can't do something like that..."

He made an annoyed sigh, "What a time to suddenly decide to start being a prude..." you frowned, but stayed silent, "Well, the options there, is all I'm saying. You're probably reacting so strongly because it's been a while. Bet you'd feel better if you got it out of your system."

You scowled somewhat miserably, rolling onto your side, away from him. "Ugh. Just go to sleep."

He whined, "Don't get mad! I'm just saying for your sake..."

You ignored him, shutting your eyes and pulling the covers to your neck stubbornly, and he whimpered, "Chul-ah... don't ignore me..."

"I'm not ignoring you." You said lowly, in a sigh, and he poked your back.

"Cuddle with me, then..." he said, hand grasping your waist and shaking you lightly, trying to turn you to face him. When he persisted, you groaned, finally doing as he wanted. He made a happy noise as you finally faced him, snuggling into you. "Chul-ah... don't be mad..."

You sighed, again, but patted his head, and couldn't help but smile as you felt his lips turn up against your collarbone. He was needy, and insecure, and borderline obsessed with getting attention, but you loved him nonetheless. "I'm not mad. Just... it's difficult."

His arms tightened around your waist. "I know. I'm sorry for pushing it too far."

You chuckled, "You've said worse. It's fine." Your fingers combed gently through his hair. "Let's go to sleep, now."

He exhaled through his nose, relaxing under your touch. "Okay."

A Taste of Sugar : 김남준 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now