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I planned out a large portion of the storyline to come. Just like, rough planning, but boi. Gonna be a lot more drama. I've planned out approx 18 more chapters but I have so many more things planned for after that lmao this book's gonna be a long'un


You felt almost giddy, heading toward the small, quaint coffee shop you had agreed to meet Wonho at. He had called that evening, to meet the next day, and you had had to go out on the balcony to avoid being overheard by Jimin. Luckily, both he and Taehyung were heading out, for a few days, to visit Tae's family (some kind of event) and though they had asked you to come with you had a few jobs lined up that got in the way. So, the place was empty, and you were free to leave without being questioned about where you were going.

You wondered what it meant, that he was so desperate to see you. It made you excited, happy- your stomach was twisting in knots, fingers trembling. The place you were headed to was one you'd frequented with him before, down a back alley. It was familiar. A place with meaning.

Wonho was already there when you pushed the door open, and a huge smile swept onto his face when he saw you. He rose from the seat at the table he was waiting at, layered hoodie and windbreaker combo making a small and familiar rustling noise as he pulled you into a hug. He smelled like detergent. "You look amazing."

Was it wrong to let down your guard, just a little? To relax into this touch that you had yearned for for so long? Something about it felt different. Like he had changed. Like his attitude towards you had changed. "Thanks."

It felt as though the tide was turning, as you sat and talked with him, over coffee. He was kind of dorky and awkward as always, the boyish grins and shy chuckling knocking you for six all over again. Things in your life were finally going your way. After years of struggling, grinding, putting your own wants on hold just to make ends meet- it felt like things were finally going your way.

But of course, it's never that easy.

You realised from his expression straight away that something was wrong. His eyes widened minutely, and he sank down slightly in his chair. The brief panic on his face was one he quickly masked, and you looked over your shoulder to see a few girls passing in front of the shop window. You rose your eyebrows, then furrowed them, realising what was going on.

You turned back to him, with a sour smile. "I'm an idiot." He stared at you, mouth opening, closing, wordless. "You didn't break up with her, did you?"

He grimaced, eyes flashing painfully, "Y/N, I-... It's not that easy-"

"Yes, it is." Your expression became cold as anger crept into your chest. "I can't- I won't keep doing this. The sneaking around. Feeling like some dirty little secret- I want more for myself. I'm worth more than that."

He began to panic, reaching for your hands, "Y/N, please, I just need to figure out how to tell her-... I promise, just-"

"Don't fucking ask me for more time." You spat, suddenly furious, then took a calming breath. You retracted from his somewhat desperate touch, and it hurt- this was something you had wanted for so long, and the feelings were still there, but, you realised, as you looked at his pleading face, that while you still wanted him, you didn't want this. "This isn't a healthy relationship, Wonho. I can't- I won't keep doing this; you promising me things, always asking for more time... if you truly wanted this, you would have gone for it a long time ago." You held up a hand as he went to speak, and stood. He did the same. "I won't tell you you don't have any feelings for me, because frankly, I don't know. But, I don't think this works. We don't work." You stepped back fully, away from the table, away from him, his toxicity, his endless unfulfilled promises. "I don't care what you do, but I'm not the one you'll do it with. I'm through."

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