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We passed 20 chapters bois ayyy

Kinda wild that this whole book just started from the single thought of "pimp namjoon lmao"

And just how much has happened in my life since I started writing this but uno this ain't soft hours so we gon skip that part and get right to the update


The so-called business dinner was a very new experience for you. RM sat at a table with a few other older gentlemen, most appearing at least double his age- the table itself surrounded by various younger men that you took to be assorted underlings and security personnel. Suga stood looking weirdly relaxed in posture, but his eyes were alert, watchful of anything or anyone that might get closer than necessary to the Boss. The other, largely black clad, men were much the same.

The restaurant was a much more busy one than you had expected, with the usual bustle of families and dating couples and other such affairs- but the expansive back room was dim and quiet, with only the light hum of outside conversation invading from the main room. The jazz band in the corner had yet to begin playing, waiting for the last of the attendees to arrive.

The other various security detail waited around the room, Taehyung and Jungkook at the perimeter, you noticed, and Hobi by the door- in amongst men from the other groups. Perhaps gangs was a better word. This whole event gave you Al Pacino in The Godfather vibes. It was a look into the other side of RM's "business" that you weren't sure what to feel about.

While most of the people in attendance were in the large enough side room, you, Jimin, and Seokjin- who you hadn't seen at all since that first party- were in a small back room. It was no bigger than a box room, really, but big enough for yourself and Jimin to add the final touches to your makeup, and wait for the right time for you to go out and perform your set. You were nervous, but relieved- performing meant there was no chance of one of these older men requesting to take you home, like the other girls that had come along and currently sat prettily in the main room. RM was easily the youngest there by a longshot, the other men varying between early forties all the way to what you felt was maybe late 70s. These men were powerful, too, you could just feel it... the type you really did not want to err with.

So, you focused on Jimin, and running through the lines to the songs you had practiced together in your head. While you were thoroughly wracked with nerves for the performance, practicing had been fun. Doing anything with Jimin was fun. You had danced, spinning around, harmonising and singing in turn and just generally smiling and being filled with so much love and adoration for this beautiful person that was such a huge part of your life. It felt natural. Like there was nothing on earth you were meant to be a part of more than this time, singing with him.

Of course, that had been in your living room, your beaten up guitar in your hands. You were without it tonight. Jimin looked around from applying lip tint and smiled- though he looked nervous too. He reached out toward you with one hand, backward, turning back to the mirror, and you took it. You didn't need to say anything.

Seokjin had been on the phone with someone the whole time the three of you had been in this room, but at that point finally hung up, standing from his spot on a chair in the corner. It was pretty apparent he was about to leave to go join the others in the main room, but he stopped, glancing at yours and Jimin's entwined hands and smiling briefly before looking at you alone. You rose your eyebrows in surprise when you noticed his pensive gaze. "You okay?"

He seemed surprised at your question, as though he wasn't used to being addressed like that- or maybe he hadn't expected it from you. But, he smiled beautifully. "Yes, I just- well, I wanted to say..." you tilted your head lightly to the side, "If anything like the other night happens again... well, know you can always contact me."

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