The Wait

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You knew the aversion I had to it's smell
I'd told you I knew the gory details
The harm it does the life it takes
You promised you would quit in 31days
And I wait..I wait still as 275 days have passed and you increased the count adding to my agonies more than the start
You know now I'm not the only one who inhales
There's a little being inside me who smells
Little requests to just wipe of the stench -you put it aside like it's no big hell

Day in and day out I see you burn your life with the ashes of cigarettes
Yet you expect me to smile like I've no regrets
You don't wish to see me in worry every time you're in a hurry to get a puff to light that stuff
Not realizing how your life it takes

Tell me for how long I'm supposed to wait
When every passing day you put my faith to test
Failing each time every promise you make love is capable of breaking forts and gates
This is a habit which is not impossible to break
To help you out I did my best
But found you lacking in will and very less action you take
I never asked you for more
Although my dreams were at high soar
I only desire a long healthy life with you
For I love you like I loved noone else before

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